Season 3 Suit and Glasses

I'm not saying I agree with what he has done in the past, but - as Sydney clearly recognised as she was horrified by what Vaughn did - you can't just go around torturing people because of what they have done in the past or what they might do in the future.
What Vaughn did was very wrong, and I think we can all identify with the horror Suit and Glasses must have felt when he was in that situation. Especially as he had no idea where Sloane was, meaning there was no way out of what was about to happen.
Like Sydney said, it wasn't about S&G, it was about Vaughn.
-_- ✌️
I just re-watched Suit-and-Glasses in season one. There's one scene where Sydney tells him she likes his tie, and he looks kind of pleased and touches it. I think the way his character was this time around is completely in keeping with the way he was in the past. Kind of creepy but also kind of weak-looking, and a person who doesn't really appear to be the type of person who would be capable of doing such terrible things.
i guess there was some things that def showed in all parts of his characters...but it seemed like his character was was just EXTREMEFIED. every little character trait was multiplied.
AugustSnow said:
Awh, I couldn't help it but I sorta felt sorry for him last night. Vaughn was totally out of control, and I felt bad for him with CrazyVaughn all over him. I know he's not a good person, but I couldn't help it ;)
i totally agree with you peri! i felt sorry for him even though he is evil but evilvaughn still was PRETTY freaky if you ask me!! *shudders*
i felt kinda CHEATED... we never found out why HE was the one to torture syd in tapei or marshall...vaughn just went all crazy and burned him to death or something.