The More Things Change


Senior Yo-yo tech
Hi guys,
This is my first attempt at an alias fic. I hope all goes well with it. I'm planning on a series of AU stories. And yeah, for you S/V fans (yeah I'm one of you!) They will get their moment in the sun. But you'll have to be patient. The good stuff takes time.

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The More Things Change

By Breezy Walsh
Chapter 1: Starting Off With a Bang

Sydney Bristow stared lovingly into Danny Hecht's eyes. Grinning widely she

asked, "Do you think it gets better than this?"

Danny squeezed her hand, "I don't know, but I can't wait to find out." He

winked at her, "But for now, I have to get to class. I'll see you soon." He kissed the

top of her head, "Love you."

"Love you too." She smiled as they released hands. Danny was walking

backwards, trying not to break eye contact with her.

Sydney called out, "Be careful."

He grinned, "Always am." Danny chose that moment to misstep and fall off the

curb. He caught himself before he toppled, but stumbled into the street. He looked

up at Sydney, "See, I'm that good."

Her laugh quickly turned into a shout, "Danny! The car!" She pointed to an on

coming cab.

He turned just in time to let recognition register on his face.

"Oh--" His eyes grew wide and a dull thud rang as his flew through the air.

Sydney went into agent mode clearing the area immediately. She called an

ambulance and covered Danny with her sweater.

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That's it for now. Look for the next chapter in the next post.
Here it is as promised, the second chapter. Things are just starting to get interesting.

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Chapter 2: Funny, I Was Going To Anyway

The rush to the hospital was a blur. Before she knew it, Sydney was waking up

in the waiting room at 2:00 am to a gentle shake.

"Sydney, honey, Sydney?"

Her eyes fluttered open to reveal Danny's mother. Sydney leapt up to greet

the woman with a hug.

"How is he?" The older woman asked.

Sydney shook her head, a look of irony on her face, "He's stable. He's lucky

his head is so thick. Although he punctured a lung, broke his wrists, and his right

leg. The doctors say he'll be okay, but want to keep him for a while to make sure

there isn't anything that they're missing."

"Have you seen him yet?"

"Not yet. They were working on him for a long time and I fell asleep waiting

for the testing to be finished."

"Well then let's get moving." Sydney yawned and grabbed the woman's hand

to stand up.

The pair opened the door to Danny's room. The soft beeps and the larger than

normal silhouette made them gasp. But the sigh that escaped his lips warmed both

of them, "Sydney, love you." His lips curled up into a sweet smile.

Danny's mother drew Sydney out to the hall, "I'm planning on staying at

Daniel's for a while. I was wondering if you would stay there too to help when you


Sydney gave her a half smile. Apparently Danny had failed to tell his mother

they had moved in together. Then she shook herself. She hasn't told her father

either. Although she hadn't talked to her father in months; Danny talked to his

mother almost daily.

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Okay, so things are starting to roll. This is a totally new start from about two weeks before the show actually started. That being said, Sydney is SD-6 and this next chapter will bring us a little closer to the double agent point. I don't want to say too much more. I'll ruin my own surprise.

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Chapter 3: From Bad to Downright Ugly

Three days flew by between SD-6, classes, and visiting Danny. It was finally

time for him to come home. Sydney laughed under her breath. It figured she was

being sent on a mission tonight and her class had run late, so she was rushing down

the hallway her eyes focusing on the floor. A tall, warm, soft wall stopped her

progress. Without even a glance up she grunted, "Watch it."

"You could do the same," A male voice replied. As it opened a door it

continued, "Some women, Agent Bristow, now I know why we're single."

Sydney's ears perked. 'That's odd.' She thought, but continued on to Danny's

room. She opened the door and smiled, "Danny, it's so goo--." She stopped in her

tracks. "What the hell is she doing? No wait, what the hell are you doing?" Sydney

ran out of the room before another word could be said. She ran into that same big

warm wall, but this time he grabbed her shoulders.

"Hey, hey, if it isn't the mad foot watcher." This time she looked up at him. The

smile on his face dropped immediately. "Whoa, you're gonna cry. I'm sorry. I was

just kidding."

Sydney smiled slightly, "Funny, you seem to be the highlight of my day. How

do you know me by the way?"

"What do you mean? We walked into each other earlier." The teddy bear of a

man looked at her in confusion.

"You called me Agent Bristow earlier. If you don't know me, whom were you

talking to?" Sydney's brown eyes probed the mystery man's.

"Is it really whom? I thought it was who… anyway, I was talking to the guy in

the room, Jack Bristow. He--"

"Jack Bristow? Jack D. Bristow? My father?"

"Your father? Nah, this dude doesn't have any kids. He couldn't. He's too, I

don't know. Too rigid. He would've killed them. Like a praying mantis, eaten his


Sydney pushed the chubby man out of her way and opened the door. Her jaw

dropped when she looked in. "Daddy?" The day just flushed its way down the drain.

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Here we go, chapter four and things are starting to pick up. But remember getting there is half the fun. Thanks for the kind words about the previous chapters.

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Chapter 4: High Noon

"Daddy?" Sydney questioned.

The older man in the bed looked up from the book. His face contorted into a

mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"Sydney, what are you doing here?" Jack Bristow asked.

"Danny was hit by a car. He's in a room down the hall. Why are you here? And

why was this guy," Sydney pointed over her shoulder at the man, "Calling you

Agent Bristow. Is that some odd title they gave you at Jennings Aerospace or


Jack drew his mouth into a line trying to think of an explanation. His eyes lit

slightly before he started talking, "First thing, that man is Agent Weiss. He's my

guard for the hour. I was shot last night while I was, um, out. Eric thinks it's funny

to call me Agent Bristow."

Sydney looked between the two men. Trying to decide if this story seemed to

mesh. She leaned against the wall thinking. "So who shot you that you need a

guard? Don't they usually send out police, not federal agents?"

Although he was not loosing his cool on the exterior, Jack was panicking

inside. He was hoping Weiss would pipe up with a valid story. He was just about to

tell the truth when there was a commotion in the hallway.

"Sydney! Sydney! Where'd she go?" Danny's voice called from the hallway.

Sydney rolled her eyes. The shock of seeing her father in the hospital had let her

momentarily forget the sight she had before her earlier.

"Excuse me for a minute," she said before stepping out of the room. In the hall

was Danny in a wheelchair being operated by the same nurse that was on top of

him in his room. Danny watched as Sydney's eyes examined him and his driver for

what seemed to be hours.

"Sydney, I can explain. She was giving me a sponge bath before I left. Her

sponge dropped and she was--"

"Trying to retrieve it with her lips from your mouth? That's a very convincing

story. Did she also drop one into her bra?" Sydney's arms crossed to punctuate her

last question.

The nurse was turning red. Danny was changing to a shade of white and

Sydney's eyes just bored through the two of them.

After a few seconds of silence, Sydney spoke, "I told your mother I would give you

a ride home. I put up with the fact that you had 'forgotten' to tell her about us

moving in together. I made up distractions so she wouldn't notice that my clothes

were in a dresser in your bedroom. This has been the busiest day of my life. All I

was looking forward to was picking you up from the hospital and spending some

time with you before I left on my trip."

"Wait, you have another trip tonight? How am I supposed to get around while

you're away?" Danny whined. "Doesn't the bank know I'm hurt?"

"It seems we all forget to tell people important things." Her cold stare made Danny

shift as much as he could in his chair. "Your mother has decided to move in with you

until you've made a full recovery. She can have my bureau. I'll be moving out as

soon as I get back from my trip tomorrow. I suggest you finish getting ready

because I'm on a tight schedule and will be leaving in ten minutes. If you aren't

here, then you're staying."

Danny jerked his head back to signal the nurse. She turned him around,

heading back to his room. Sydney let her shoulders relax a bit before she walked

back into her father's room. She looked at her father for a moment.

"Don't think you're in the clear. I still remember that you have questions to

answer. I'm just not sure I can handle the answers today." She sighed. "When do

you think you'll be released?"

"I should be out of here in a few hours. I have a ride, so don't worry about me."

Jack gruffly replied.

"I'll call you tonight."

"Sydney, why don't you come over when you get back. We can discuss it then."

He gave her a very slight smile. "You can stay in my guest room."

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PM List:
Alias Fan Gillian
I'm on a roll. Another chapter!

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Chapter 5: Deer in Head Lights

Marcus Dixon was bandaging Sydney's arm while they were riding the plane

back, "So, he was in the same hospital as Danny? That’s weird, Syd."

"I know. And he had this guy with him calling him Agent Bristow. What if, what

if I just don't want to know. This is getting weird. I thought my life was strange

enough. Now he wants me to stay in his guest room." She grabbed cheek.

"Want some ice for that?" Dixon asked. "That guy did a good job on that one."

Sydney just nodded.

When he returned with the ice he continued, "So you think your father might

be working in intelligence? Sydney, do you know the statistics for that happening? I

bet the guy that was watching his was just too big for his britches. And just for the

record, I would not move back in with your father for any amount of time."

Sydney pulled the ice off her cheek and gave her jaw a test before speaking,

"It just seemed a bit odd. He was working too hard for the story. And the guy that

was watching him was a clown. He looked like he was working on not being official."


The plane landed and Sydney hopped out and waited for Dixon to do the same.

"Well Sydney, if you need a place to stay, Dianne and I can always find space

for you."

Sydney smiled, "Thanks Marcus, but I think I'm going to call Francie and see

what she thinks. I know she had talked about getting a place together, but it was a

while ago."

"Alright, but the offer stands." He reached out and patted her shoulder. "I'll

see you at the debrief. Take care."

"You too." Sydney smiled as she walked away. It was good knowing there

were people like Marcus Dixon protecting the country with her. It was funny, she

never saw herself becoming a spy, but that's just how things happen in her life. She

never imagined she would grow up without a mother, or recognize her father's

luggage faster than she could recognize him. And she had sworn that she was going

to marry Danny, but things change. Sydney placed her bag into her truck and

headed off to her father's house.

The trip there was uneventful which was a small blessing after the last two

days. She knew tonight she was going to have to perform a verbal dance with her

father to find out the truth about him. As she lifted her hand to knock, the door


"Sydney!" Jack smiled, "Come in. Dinner is just going to be a minute, or it's


She smiled. Her father never could cook.

"So, how was your trip? Anything important?" He sat down across from a

couch that he gestured for Sydney to take a seat in.

She sat down and formulated her answer, "It was fairly easy business. There

were a few snags in the deal, but we got out without taking too many hits for the


"Mmm, for the bank, Sydney, I went to my boss to ask him how to answer

your questions. He told me something that I was not expecting." He paused to figure

out how to tell her his new information. "Arvin told me that he was your boss too.

That you have a security clearance that would allow me to tell you how I got shot."

Sydney's eyes opened wide, "Arvin? Sloane? Your boss? So you are an agent."

"Yes, and I'd like to know why we have the same boss, but first, hang on a

second," Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a pen. He

twisted the cap and there was a beeping noise, "Bug killer. Works for a minute, acts

as radio interference. Sydney SD-6 is not a black ops CIA branch. Arvin Sloane is a

terrible man. I work there as a double agent. You are in more danger than you can

believe. If my work to bring SD-6 succeeds then you will be arrested for treason,

along with many other people. Although you won't be convicted for obvious reasons,

it is a time consuming and painful process. Get out now." Just then the alarm on the

silencer went off and the doorbell rang, "Dinner's here." Jack jumped up to get the


"Let's take it to go. We need to talk." Sydney jumped up and grabbed her

purse. Jack handed the delivery guy a twenty-dollar bill, took the pizza and shut the

door behind them as everyone headed for the driveway.

"Let's take my car, it's less conspicuous." Jack offered. They both got in and

pulled out after the pizza guy.

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PM List:
Alias Fan Gillian
Okay, this is the last chapter for the day I think. I just went on a spree at the keyboard, but now that I'm getting to the good stuff I gotta regroup and relocate my train of thought. (I think I lost it in Hoboken) I hope you guys like it.

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Chapter 6: Complete 180
The two Bristows pulled onto a dusty path that led to a dusty field. Jack put the

car into park and got out. Sydney grabbed the pizza and two bottles of tonic from

the floor and followed suit.

They both ate in silence, chewing and thinking.

"So, Dad, you're trying to tell me SD-6 is the bad guys?"

"They are the bad guys. I have a list over a mile long of the horrible things

they've done. Now that you're involved I don't know how to get you out. Sloane

would have you killed if you tried to quit."

Sydney didn't know how to process this. "I'm working for the people I thought

I was fighting?"

"Sydney, the shock portion of the night is over. I need you to help me come

up with a solution. We can put you in Witness Protection." Jack said with such finality

that it shook Sydney out of her daze.

"I am not going into the WPP. I'm a trained agent. One of the best from what

I've been told. I will not just fade off in the distance, but I want proof." Sydney

replied, her voice rising.

"You want proof Sydney," Jack went into his trunk for a file. He pulled it out

and tossed it on the hood of his car. "There's your proof. They've been following you

for years, conditioning you by planting teachers in your school. Giving tests to find

your abilities. Sloane kept this all from me. He was raising my daughter to be a spy

her whole life. Do you need more? Under that file is a list of CIA agents that have

been killed by SD-6 and the profile of their terrorist acts."

Sydney opened the pages, studying it carefully, learning of some of the things

that these people put her through. She took in a bit more and stopped, looking up at

Jack. "Bring me in."

Jack looked at her oddly.

"Bring me in to the CIA. I can help you bring them down."


"Don't question me on this. I am not going to disappear and I am sure as hell

not going to sit around and help Sloane with his little plan of world domination. I am

going to go to the CIA whether you help me or not. It'll take longer if I go alone, but

with you there they'll move things along."

Jack wasn't sure of what to say. Finally he gave up. "I will bring you in. This is

not going to be easy. I will tell Arvin I sent you on a short vacation, so you could

process the news. The CIA should only need a couple days to set things in motion."

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PM List:
Alias Fan Gillian
Okay so today turned out to be a chill out and write kind of day. So here I am adding another chapter. Here ya go.

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Chapter 7: No Turning Back

Jack Bristow looked at his daughter one last time. "You know, you can still turn

back. I will find a way to make you disappear, no trails, you would be free Sydney."

"I would still be looking over my shoulder everyday. I want to do this. I need

to fix some of the wrongs I've committed." She stared hard into her father's eyes. "I

need to do this."

Jack frowned, "Let's go."

The two walked silently into the building. Inside the floor was emblazoned with

the CIA's seal. It was not a thing like the dark, damp, building that housed SD-6.

They walked to an elevator and headed up. The doors opened to an open floor, Jack

walked at a brisk pace, Sydney falling slightly behind. Jack opened a door and

ushered her in before disappearing. He reappeared in the doorway a moment later.

"Sydney, this is Director Kendall. He would like to have a few words with you.

I will see you in a while." Her father nodded and left her with the other man.

"Hello Ms. Bristow. I am very interested in having you come in. I just need you

to know a few things. You will be an agent of the CIA. We will give you your final

directives. This means you will follow our orders even if it is in direct conflict with

SD-6. You will be given every possible cover to make sure you are not discovered.

If at anytime you are discovered we will pull you out and place you in Witness

Protection. There will be no choice on your part. Do you understand this?"

"Yes, I do, but don't you think--"

"Ms. Bristow, there will be no but's. We need to be absolutely firm on these

rules. This is not a child's game where you can just call it over when you're ready."

He looked at her sizing up her physical being.

"I understand." Sydney agreed, though her eyes were flaring.

"Good, I think you will be an especially strong asset. I'll send a man in a

minute to collect your statement. I want you to write down everything you know

about SD-6." Kendall placed down a pad of paper and a pen, "All the little details."

He nodded and left the room.

Sydney grabbed the pen and started writing furiously for what she thought

must have been hours. When she finally sat up, she noticed her company and


"Eric Weiss. How are you?"

"I'm okay. How are you doing? You must have been completely in the zone. I

walked in and tried to say hi. You just kept writing. You've been writing for almost

an hour now." He stated, allowing his yo-yo to drop and return to his hand.

"I just had a lot of information to write down, but I think I'm done." Sydney

held up the notebook that was almost completely filled with information, charts,

diagrams and calendars.

"Wow, that's wow. Impressive Bristow. I'm just gonna go get your handler.

He's a good guy. This is his first time though. So go easy on him." He shot her a

dimpled grin before leaving the room.

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Okay, so I have no life (isn't it plainly obvious?) Okay, well, my guy got sick so I'm in for the night. Another chapter, yeah! This is an important one. You'll see why in a minute.

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Chapter 8: A Date With Destiny

"Michael Vaughn, your new asset. Sydney Bristow." Michael stepped into the

room and shook hands with Sydney.

"It's uh, nice to meet you, Agent Bristow," He turned to Eric, "Thanks Weiss, I

think I can take it from here."

Weiss walked out of the room smiling at Sydney. She then turned to Vaughn


"You wrote a lot. I mean a lot," Vaughn cracked a smile. "It's going to take a

while to go through and corroborate this. Until then I want you to keep us apprised.

Here's a list of locations." He handed her a sheet of paper. "Memorize them. They're

numerically coded. Dial this number." He handed her another small slip of paper.

"And enter in the coordinating number to the location where you drop your

information. There will be someone there to pick it up in moments."

"So a dead drop. Got it."

"Right. Um," Vaughn swallowed. "Yeah, oh, the normal protocol for us to get in

contact for you will be a phone call for Joey's Pizza." He grabbed another scrap of

paper out of his pocket and scribbled something on it. "When you get that call meet

me at this address."

Sydney nodded.

Vaughn nodded.

Sydney started tapping her finger on the table.

Vaughn raised his eyebrows.

"Is there anything else for me?" Sydney questioned.

"Oh, I think that's it. We just have to wait for your father. He'll be bringing you

out. They have a car lined up so no one will catch you." Vaughn said. He looked at

his fingers, then his palms, the ceiling anything so he didn't have to look at Sydney

Bristow. Knowing she was Jack Bristow's daughter made him extremely

uncomfortable. The fact that she was even the slightest bit attractive just made it

worse. No, the thing that made it worse was that he was supposed to keep her

informed and he thought she was gorgeous. In a dark, secluded location, where no

one else would be watching because that would break protocol. Protocol. That was

the worst part of the job. That and Jack Bristow's gorgeous,


daughter. Just as the silence was about to suffocate him when Jack popped his head


"Are you guys all set in here?"

Sydney jumped up ready to bolt out the door. "Yes, yes, we just wrapped up."

Vaughn looked up at Jack and nodded. He had to get out of that room. Wait a

second, why did Sydney bolt like that? It couldn't have been anything. She wouldn't

be thinking the same thing as him. Could she?

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PM List:
Alias Fan Gillian
Another chapter. This one was tough for me to write. I hope by playing through the block it works for everyone. I thought it was fun after the second reading. And we'll see where it goes from here.

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Chapter 9: Cool Jerk

Sydney sat in the passenger's seat of her father's sedan watching the scenery

as they stood in traffic. She had a lot of change going on in her professional life. Of

course her personal life wasn't much better, but right now if she wanted a personal

life she had to make sure her professional life was in order.

It didn't mean she didn't think about it. She thought she loved Danny. That

was before all of this. And if she was going to be honest with herself she was

completely turned off at the hospital and hadn't thought much about him since.

When everything was settled with the CIA she'd have to go talk to him.

"Maybe tomorrow night."

"What was that?" Jack asked.

Sydney looked over at her father, "What?"

"You said something and I missed it. I was just wondering what you said."

"Oh, um, it wasn't important. I was just thinking out loud."

"Oh, okay."

The rest of the car ride was silent. Sydney let her mind drift through her day.

Things weren't so bad. She had talked to that Eric that she had met in the hospital.

He seemed nice enough. What had he been doing in his father's room if he was on

an SD-6 mission though? She was sure she would have to find out what was going

on there. The more pressing concern was how attracted to her handler she was.

She was praying that he didn't notice her staring at him. Sydney thought back

to the awkward moments while waiting for her father. He was looking at everything

but her. That made it very difficult to talk to him. She knew he was unavailable to

her though. SD-6 would have them both killed if they were caught together. Plus she

figured it was a knee jerk reaction. She caught Danny with Nurse Feelgood, so she

needed to find someone more attractive and more interesting to… Hang on, hang

on. This was a knee jerk reaction.

Well, this was a bad train of thought. She tried several tactics to derail it, but

he did have gorgeous eyes and a great smile. Maybe talking to Francie would take

care of it. Get him, Michael Vaughn, out of her mind, yeah. Good thing they were

back at Jack's.

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PM List:
Alias Fan Gillian