two years after the telling

hiya rachael here this is my first peice of fanfiction so here goes :

Plot what happened them Two years after the telling
s/v romance
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me they belong to the genius JJ,ABC,Disney,Bad Robot and Touchstone. Any characters however that do not belong to the show are mine.The plot of this story is mine as well.

What really happened them two years after The Telling

It was a normal sight for Vaughn to see Sydney in a “million” different outfits with a “million” different hairstyles and with a “million” different alias’s. Vaughn suddenly paused while syd was eating breakfast at the kitchen table and thought to himself never again. From now on she’s going to be just Sydney Bristow (or should I say Sydney Vaughn)

(6 Months earlier)

Sydney’s fight scene with Francie

Shots fired, Francie falls to the floor dead.

Meanwhile Will remains in the bathtub,
Syd realises this and rushes to the bathroom tries frantically to pick Will up without hurting him.
Quickly rushes out of the apartment.
While outside grabs her cell phone out of her back pocket.

(Sydney phones the CIA)

She tells them the situation.

“Will needs immediate medical assistance” said Sydney

“An ambulance will be there as soon as possible and Syd keep calm, Will is going to be fine” said Jack “I will be there as soon as I can”

Sydney ends the call and tears start to run down her face.

Minutes later Vaughn arrives with the ambulance,
The paramedics go to Will

Sydney runs to Vaughn

“Are you ok, Syd?” said Vaughn

“No not really” and Sydney began to cry again

Vaughn grabs Syd’s hand pull’s her close and comforts her with a kiss on the head and a cuddle.

“Thank god you’re alright if any thing had of happened to you …..”

Soon Kendall and Jack arrive

“Francie’s in the house, in my bedroom” said Sydney to Kendall

(FBI arrive)

They go into the house to retrieve Francie.

“Syd you can come back to my home with me tonight, we’ll gat you sorted out” said Vaughn

But that night Sydney could not get to sleep replaying what had happened that night over and over again in her head, she wished she wake up, she wished this whole year had been a nightmare and horrible nightmare that she longed to end.


Several weeks had past; Sydney still remained with the CIA –

Will was making a good recovery, Sydney and Vaughn visited regularly.

Sydney had to go up in front of a load of FBI agents about her ordeal with francie. Among then was an agent named Lauren Reed.

Lauren asked Sydney some very intimidating questions.

Sydney took and immediate disliking to her.

Afterwards Sydney want to the bathroom. Coming out of the cubicle she went to wash her hands.

Lauren was also there next to Sydney watching her hands.

Lauren apologised to Sydney for the questions she had asked but assured her it was her job.

Sydney was not impressed.
Lauren could see this and after cleaning her hands she began to walk out of the door.

Upon her exit Lauren muttered something about Sydney under her breath.

Sydney heard this and turned to face her

“Excuse me!!!” said Sydney

Lauren but her head down.

Sydney moved closer

“I said excuse me” said Sydney angrily

Lauren remained quiet

Finally Lauren looked up

“You heard me” said Lauren

Sydney was very outraged by this point and couldn’t resist the urge to punch Lauren in the face.

Sydney walked out of the bathroom.

Lauren ran after her and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back, Sydney pushed her back.

“Don’t ever touch me again”

Sydney walked away.

Back in the office Vaughn spotted Sydney and walked to meet her.

Sydney explained what had happened, to Vaughn. Vaughn was very angry

“When I get my hands on her” said Vaughn

“Just forget about it, she won’t bother us again” said Sydney

“I have arranged for us to go out tonight for a meal, just you and me” said Vaughn excitedly

This cheered Sydney up.


(That Night)

“I have decided to sell my apartment” said Sydney “I have to many bad memories and haunting nightmares”

“I have an idea” said Vaughn with a grin on his face “Move in with me”

“I don’t know” said Sydney unsure

“This was not why I arranged tonight” said Vaughn

He took a hold of Sydney’s hand got down on one knee,

“Miss Bristow will you be my wife” said Vaughn nervously

“YES!!!!” screamed Sydney with tears running down her face.

The whole restaurant was listening in and the moment Sydney said yes everyone began to clap.
(A month had past)

Will was now out of hospital and was ecstatic about the news of Sydney and Vaughn’s engagement.

Meanwhile back at Vaughn’s house Sydney was now happily settled in.

“I want to quit the CIA” said Sydney to Vaughn

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I feel it’s the right thing to do” said Sydney

Vaughn is relieved by this,

“I’ve been doing some thinking myself and I want to leave and become a French teacher” said Vaughn

“I can’t believe it” said Sydney surprised

“I’m so sick and tired of always leading dangerous and secret lives, always worrying about you, it’s finally going to end” said Sydney relieved.

“Will we be happy though” said Vaughn

“I think we will” said Sydney

To be continued …………………….. Shortly

There you go hope you like it comments please. i will continue shortly.
i had to get my Lauren Hatred in there lol
it's good....I liked the part where vaughn proposed syd...but I wanna know what happens next....will they go through with their plan or will they stay with the CIA.
Good Job!
Very good story line...I am so totally loving the Lauren hatred!!! It's a bit fsat-paced, just slow the plot down and throw in a couple of twists and you'll have a masterpiece! I'm not being mean or anything, just saying, you don't have to listen to me. If you or anybody needs an editor for their fic, just holla at me (JK) and I'd love to do it for 'ya! TTFN!


OMG!!! I'm Intelligence Officer!!! YAY!!!! :smiley: :smiley: Tooooo happy for words!! I was Senior Analyst just an hour ago!! WooHoo!!!
see rachael I told you that people would like it!!! And you were worried! This is great!!! Can't wait to read more of it and could I get a PM for this! (Now who wouldn't want Vaughn to be THEIR french teacher???)!!
well, it's pretty good. i actually know jack about what happened (the telling would be all i've ever seen of alias), but it's good. it looks like either you or the computer decided to throw in a few random "enter" commands, but i still like it. :smiley: