Hero's Hall EQ2/EQ/SWG Chat Channel

Crafting.... ugh rather see it go back to way it used to be.

I sort of agree with you. I liked having interdependcies but they did need to come up with a work around for not being able to find stuff. I remember having an issue one night finding iron bolts or something like that so couldn't craft anything in the new tier I had started. They also had issues with having all the various crafting societies. Everyone on my server joined the same one because it built up the fastest and had the most items available on the NPC seller. I even remember one time provisioners needed dough for their recipes and couldn't buy it or make it.

In theory they had some good ideas but it was almost too much and people always go for the easiest route normally so it makes alternate ideas not work as intended.

I can deal with how things are now but I was also a person that hated doing the sub combines.