I Drove All Night

And we can thank Weiss for getting Vaughn's address, so that Syd could drive all night.

In this argument both were wrong. Thank God, they had a chance to make it right.

Thanks for the PM.

Awww......that was so good! Seriously, beautiful song choice to go along with a BEAUTIFUL one-parter!
And I think I'll have to agree with Ash...your disclaimer is quite AMAZING! :lol:
Thanks so much for the pm! Great Job...per usual!

That was so good! I saw that episode of Oprah too.... My mom was watchng it and I came in like at the last 10 minutes so I didn't get to see that much... I saw the song that she wrote about her son. Was that it? Or was there another song that she sang?

Great job!

Awwww.... That was so incredibly cute, beyond words.

So now I'm sitting here, killing my mind with what to say, because I don't have a clue...

Except that maybe it's cute? Really really really cute?! :Paranoid: But that's not nearly enough... Cute just doesn't cut it :rolleyes:

*strokes chin* Hmmm...

ARGH! I don't know what to say, other than it was fantastic... I love your one parters, and the way they end especially... It's so satisfying and it ends the whole thing really well! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don’t own Alias - obviously - do you think I’d be stupid enough to kill off the hot guy?

OMG! thats good!
mid review craving for yogart.... brb.

k.. great job! soo beutiful!
l.a. to san fran....all night? ok, i forgive you cause it was sweet!