In My Life

Great chapters. Sad that Syd lost her job, but Michael is moving in with them and going to help out financially, as he should. Syd's little outburst not withstanding. Pride is fine, but he is Carolyn's Dad, He has financial responsibilities to them. She did calm down and they worked on the bills together. Believe me, that is not easy when you have been on your own for 15 years.
Thanks for the PM
Actually, it was good that Michael was there. Not only can he offer Syd financial support but he can give her the emotional suppot, to get her through this rough time in her life.

I'm predicting Syd will find a job very quickly.
Chapter 31
Around 3 am Carolyn woke up on the sofa. She groaned, stretched and then decided to go up to her own bed. She crept quietly up the stairs and past her mother’s bedroom where she heard two sets of deep breathing. The door was half open so she looked in. Mom’s in bed with my French teacher. STOP. REWIND. was what went through her brain. She stared in at the darkness for a moment in utter disbelief and her jaw hanging wide open. Her mother was lying on her side with the sheet pulled up over her naked body and Michael had his arm wrapped around her.
Carolyn could barely contain her excitement as she rushed to her room, using her hand to muffle the squeals coming from her mouth.
“Oh my god! OMGOMG YAY!” She said as she crawled into bed and happily fell back to sleep.

A noise started Carolyn awake. What was that? She wondered. She looked at the clock. It was almost 7 am. The she heard it.
“Oh god Michael! YES!” Was a muffled scream.
“HOLY felgercarb!” Carolyn screamed as she covered her face and ears with a pillow. “Oh my god they’re having sex! And I can hear it! That’s sooooooo disgusting!!!”
She heard another elicit moan coming from down the hall and reached for her CD player and head phones. “That’s just sick.” She said as she crammed the headphones over her ears and cranked up the music.

god i would be trautized for life!!!

awesome chapters!!!
cant wait for more!

then todays chappy...
“Well I mean how much financial support I’m going to be giving you and Carolyn.”
“We don’t need your charity Michael.” Sydney said harshly.
Michael was taken aback slightly by her tone. “I know that but… I’m going to be living here so I can help with the mortgage payments and…”
“I can handle it.” Sydney said.
“Syd we’re in this together and…”
“STOP! Just stop ok! I’ve been doing fine for fifteen years I don’t need you to swoop in and save me!” She screamed as she stood and looked at him. Then she shoved her chair violently back under the table and walked of

ah cool out syd lol

like i said aweosme chaps cant wait for more theyre awesome!!
“Carolyn I got laid off from work today.” Sydney told her.
“What? Why?” She asked.
Sydney shrugged. “The company is downsizing.”
“Oh that sucks… so what are we going to do?” Carolyn asked.
“Your father’s helping us; every thing’s going to be fine.” Sydney smiled, and for the first time she truly believed that.
Awwwwwwwww :love: Michael Vaughn, here to save the day :D


Awesome. So glad he's moving in!

Aly xx :angelnot:
That was so so awesome!
Seeing as this is ur fic i was worried there when she yelled! I was all noooooo not angst cmon!
But its OK :D
Awesome chappie love how caro just didnt even bat an eyelid when they said he was movin in lol!
YAY hes movin in! I think that kinda just sank in neway... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sorry i havent reviewed in a while janet, i was away :blush:! and as usual, i missed all the good chapters!! they were all awesome! i love how syd and michael finally got together, and how C changed her name, and telling her friends that michael was her dad was wiked! loved it all! AND, michael's moving in :woot: thats so cool! and (wow thats lots of and's) they're a family!! really awesome!!!! thanks for the pm's!!
Chapter 35
A week after Michael had moved all his things in the family was sitting together one evening when the doorbell rang. Michael got up from the sofa and opened the door. When he did he was utterly shocked at who he saw.
“Carolyn go upstairs.” He commanded.
“What? Why? Who’s at the door?” She asked.
“Go upstairs Carolyn.” Michael said again.
“Fine.” She groaned. Once he heard her stomp up the stairs he opened the door further too let Sydney see who was standing there.
“Mom?!” Sydney gasped.
“May I come in?” Irina asked. Sydney just shrugged. Michael stepped aside and let her in, shutting the door behind her. The three of them stood awkwardly in the foyer for a few moments; no one spoke.
“What are you doing here?” Sydney asked finally, in a cold manor. “It’s not like you’ve ever bothered before…”
“Nadia told me that Michael came back and he had moved in here with you and I just came to see…”
“See what? If we were still as screwed up and horrible as you thought we were? Well guess what Mom, we’re fine; we’re happy and we don’t need you coming in and making everything miserable.”
“I just wanted to see…” Irina began again.
“Save it.” Sydney interrupted her.
“Stop! And just listen!” Irina said. “Sydney I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t even begin to make up for my fifteen years of awful behavior but I am; I’m truly sorry. I want a chance, a chance to get to know my granddaughter and be part of her life.”

“Why? Why now Mom? Because it’s convenient for you? Well that’s not good enough. Besides what makes you think she even wants to? When I think about all the nights she cried because she didn’t understand why her grandparents didn’t love her and were so mean to her it makes me sick. She’d asked what she did wrong. She asked me why she was a bad girl. And I had to tell her that she didn’t do anything wrong and I didn’t know why you didn’t like her. Do you know how hard that was? Watching her heart break? It was horrible. And the worst part was I didn’t even know why. You could have been cruel to me and I would have understood but why her?! WHY HER!” Sydney screamed, tears now spilling down her face.

“And even this summer she ran crying to Michael, MICHAEL! Because she saw you at Nadia’s. She doesn’t need to be wasting tears over someone who didn’t even care about her for the first fifteen years of her life.” Sydney continued.
“Sydney I cared about her.” Irina said, on the verge of tears herself.
“Well you certainly had a strange way of showing it.” Sydney hissed.
“I know! I know Mom I saw it. I saw you look at her and want to hold her. I saw you look at me and want to help. I saw it all. So why didn’t you? If you wanted to why didn’t you?!”
“Your father…” She began.
“Pathetic excuse.” Sydney spat. “Wanting to and not doing anything about it is just as bad as not caring at all Mom. It’s just as bad. So go, just leave. You made your choice fifteen years ago so now you have to live with it. Just leave.” She said as her voice was dangerously on the edge of giving out.
A few tears slipped down Irina’s cheek as she took one last look at Sydney and then at Michael before walking to the door and leaving. Once she had gone Sydney buried her head in Michael’s chest and cried as he hugged her tightly.

Upstairs Carolyn had been listening and she heard every word that was said.

Chapter 36
The next day was rather silent in their household. Sydney and Michael knew that Carolyn knew it was Irina who had come to visit. Carolyn knew her parents knew she knew. But none of them said anything about it. They didn’t want to acknowledge it because they had no idea what to do about it.

It wasn’t until two days later that things changed.
Sydney, having decided to take two weeks off before looking for a new job to take care of things at home, was dusting when she heard the doorbell ring. She saw that it was her mother and was tempted not to answer it but she had an overwhelming curiosity to find out why exactly had come back after Sydney had yelled at her. So she opened the door, but didn’t say a word. She only stood with one hand on her hip, looking at her mother impatiently.

“Just hear me out alright?” Irina asked. Sydney didn’t respond so she continued. “Look everything that you said was true. Treating you the way we did was horrible and I regret it. Your father can be an incredibly stupid and stubborn man. For some reason he got it in his head that you getting pregnant and having a baby at 17 was a direct insult to him and he wanted nothing to do with it. I truly believe he would have thrown you out of the house if it wasn’t for me and for that I am truly sorry. But to this day he is still angry about it and won’t stand to have your name mentioned in his presence. In all honesty I don’t think he’ll ever come around. Like I said he can be stupid and stubborn.

“He would also be furious at me if he knew I was here but… Well ever since I saw Carolyn at Nadia’s I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. I tried talking to your father but he just wouldn’t listen. He yelled and screamed and said she was no relative of his. But I saw the look in her eyes when she looked at me. She didn’t understand why we were being so cruel and I hated myself for that. But with your father there was nothing I could do…

“Still I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She had grown up so much in the five years since we last saw her. She’s beautiful Sydney and… please I just want a chance. Please give me a chance to be the mother and grandmother I should have been these past 15 years… please.” Irina begged.

Sydney didn’t know what to do. She could tell that her mother was sincere in what she was saying and part of her felt like she should give her a chance. But still another part didn’t want to give them a chance. ‘They missed their chance and now they don’t deserve one!’ It said. But then she knew if she listened to that she was being just as bad as they were and she wouldn’t have that.

“A chance.” Sydney said. “But I don’t want you seeing Carolyn right away.”
“Alright.” Irina agreed. “Thank you Sydney.”
“Do you want to come in?” Sydney asked.
“I suppose I could… for a few minutes.” Irina said.


The second Michael came home from work Sydney rushed to him immediately, jumped into his arms and clung tightly to him.
“It’s nice to see you too.” Michael laughed slightly as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Sorry I just really needed that.” She sighed, still not letting go.
“Rough day?” He asked.
She nodded into his shoulder where her head was resting. “My mom came over.”
“Ohh how did that go?” Michael asked.
“Well she said all these things basically asking me to give her a chance. And I don’t want to give her a chance you know? Part of me just wants to scream you missed your chance and now it’s too late for apologies and just slam the door in her face. But I know that if I did that I’d be just like them and I cannot be them. I just can’t.” She sighed.
“So I let her in and we talked… its going to be hard but if Carolyn can see that at least my mom doesn’t hate her that will be good, right?” Sydney asked.
“Yes it will.” Michael sighed.

Sydney A Vaughn
Sydney L Bristow

Nancy O
Addicted 2 Alias

Syd_Vaughn 4ver
Alias Fan Gillian
I have read your story over the last few days, but I have never reviewed because my exams were keeping me busy :o_O:

Please PM me when you post more, I'm really liking this story :D and the idea of Sydney having a child so young is very original! It's the first time I have read something like that, well I think it's the case :lol:

btw : Haven't you already posted those chapters yesterday?
Great update.. Glad Irina finally came around to apologise for the terrible way she treated Syd and Carolyn, hopefully they can work things out.

Thanks for the PM
Great chapter. I am so glad that Carolyn will get a chance to get to know at least one of her grandparents on her mom's side.

Thanks for the pm.
That was such an awesome update!! Thats sweet that Irina wants to be part of her life but why couldnt she have done that say...15 years ago!
Awesome update hope everything works out!
i guess im glad that syd let irina in, but jack is gonna flip if/when he finds out! and what about c? eek :thinking: this should be interesting! loved it!! thanks for the pm!
I am glad Syd is giving Irina a chance
Even if Jack is a jerk
Who cares what Jack thinks
But if Irina messes up her chance, she will be dead meat!
Thanks for the PM
Update again soon please