What Jennifer Garner Movies Do You Own!

13 going on 30
Alias Season 1
Alias Season 2
Alias Season 3
Alias Season 4 (Not all of them, just the ones that have been on English tv)
Pearl Harbour

Planning on getting Elektra when it comes out too.
Alias Season 1
Alias Season 2
Alias Season 3
Alias Season 4 (I taped them!)
Daredevil(own DVD)
Elektra(own DVD)
13 Going On 30(own DVD)
Dude Wheres my car(saw it)
Catch Me If You Can (saw it)
Catch Me If You Can (saw it)
Pearl Harbor(own DVD)
In Harm's Way( saw it)
Harvest of Fire (saw it)
Mr. Magoo (saw it)

Neet to see
Deconstructing Harry
In Harm's Way
Washington Square
Dead Man's Walk
Rose Hill
Alias Season 1
Alias Season 2
Alias Season 3
Alias Season 4 (still taping)
Dude, Where's my Car?
Pearl Harbor
13 going on 30
Significant Others
Time of your Life (still taping)
- ALIAS Season 1
- ALIAS Season 2
- ALIAS Season 3 (newly booked!)
all on DVDs

- Rose Hill
- Zoya
- Pearl Harbour
on videotape

seen on cinema

Jen is gorgeous! She acts like no one!
- Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Alias
... they're not movies, but, to me, they're much more important!

- 13 Going on 30
... Jen's such a balanced actress - she can do comedy just as well as drama. Bravo, Jen!

- Daredevil
... it's even better now that Jen & Ben are actually together ^_^

- Elektra
... once more, bravo, Jen! Wonderful performance. The movie was quite good, as well.

- Significant Others
... I love her older works. She's so adorable, and I love seeing her acting progress over the years.

- Catch Me if You Can
... those five minutes were the best part of the movie (y)

- Pearl Harbor
... very different from her other characters. But she was so adorable and charming.

I've also seen Dude, Where's My Car and Aftershock: Earthquake in New York. I plan on getting both of them, as well as every other Jen movie, when I get the chance and money. ^_^

Gosh, I really do ramble when it comes to Jen...