Time is Precious

Now that Sark has Sydney and the baby. Elena and Irina can have some fun with Vaughn. They really wanted Sydney out of the way so that they could have Vaughn for themselves. :naughty:

It appears Sydney is about to have her baby. Now the question becomes, is that Vaughn with her?

And again it appears, not only is the Chosen One under control, but also The Passenger..

Part VI

Vaughn slammed down the head of Irina several times. She blacked out and her eyes rolled up into her head. He grabbed her gun that was sticking out of the back of her waistband and ran out of the room.

“Where did you suc-?” The rest of Elena Derevko's sentence was cut off as Vaughn slammed the cold metal into her right temple. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and then she fell.

Vaughn glanced at the moniters and saw that there were about 5 guards outside. He decided that his best chance would be to wait. He had searched the rooms and found there was no secret places, Sydney was truthfully gone. He was devasted and blinked back the tears that he found welling up in his eyes.

He spun around as te sounds of gunfire came from the closed door. Suddenly it burst open as a guard was blasted through, dead.

“Put your hands up!” Vaughn raised his hands. He knew the voice, but he didn't want to risk anything. “Walk slowly to the door. Don't try anything tricky, we have the building covered.” It was Weiss. Vaughn knew that the team would be Weiss, Dixon, Tom, Rachel, and Nadia.

“Weiss!” Vaughn shouted out the first word that came to his mind. “Is Sydney with you guys?”

“No, come on out buddy!” Weiss called back. “We thought she would be with you!” Vaughn fought back the tears that had come his eyes. He shoved Elena up in front of him, her body still limp and went out to meet his rescuers. Elena was handcuffed and put in one of the unmarked black cars and the driver sped off with her.

Suddenly gunshots tore up the road in front of him. Dixon, Rachel, and Nadia returned the fire while Tom and Weiss tried to find out who was firing. Weiss tossed Vaughn a weapon and he followed them. He shouted over the noise that Irina Derevko was in the building. The shooting stopped and a ringing filled everybodie's ears. They still remained in their covered positions. After about 10 minutes followed with no bursts, Weiss waved to the others and they all crouched together.

“Stop where you are or I'll tell them to kill Sydney.” Irina said. The sound of 6 guns being cocked rang through the hallway. “Only Nadia can come and get her.”

“I'm not going to fall for that again.” Vaughn spit out. “Just tell us where she is, and you won't become swiss cheese."

"Michael." Nadia said with the Argentine accent making the a and the e stand out. Michael stepped back and Nadia stepped foward to Irina.

Irina set off the smoke bomb and snatched Nadia, she started to struggle, but Irina shot her with the tranq she had, and they were gone.

“Nadia! D*mn!” Weiss cursed as the smoke cleared. They all drew their guns again, and started to cover the building. “NADIA! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME ANSWER ME!!!” Weiss screamed in frustration. Vaughn laid a comforting hand on his shoulder and gripped his shoulder to keep Weiss from yelling out in frustration.

“Weiss, I know this is hard, just hang on buddy.” Weiss looked at him and nodded. They exchanged a look that only best friends could.

“Sorry, I forgot you are going through the same thing.” Weiss said in a shameful tone. They shared a look, a look that came from many years of friendship, even when everyone around them betrayed them and killed their friends and family.

Sydney's warehouse

Sark walked into the room followed by a nurse. The nurse never looked either of them in the eyes but pulled out the IV and threw it in the trashcan, and attached several electrodes to her stomach and left the room.

"So, Mrs. Sydney Bristow, you're in no state to be tortured, and to say frankly, I don't wish to put any more scars on your very attractive body." Sydney struggled to get at Sark, but her restraints held her tight. "I do believe that those arn't going to release you anytime soon." Sark leaned back in his chair and smirked as he watched Sydney struggle to get free. "You see, they must be released by the button on that wall and you can't get there! Anyway, I am going to tell you a little story to keep your mind relaxed while the Rambaldi fluid completes what it started."

"You son of a b****! What did you do to Vaughn and my friends?" Sydney spit it out. Tears started to form in each of her eyes, and as much as she didn't want to cry in front of this man, she was upset and off her game.

"Oh, their somewhere in the facility. Anyway, we confused everybody because it looks like that Irina and I are not working together when we really are. See, we pretended to trade you for the manuscript, when we knew what would happen and planned all of it. Irina will be joining us shortly, and Elena, if she would like. We are going to use the baby for the Rambaldi Endgame, and be the rulers of the reformed world." Sark simpered as Sydney soaked in the new imformation.

The door banged open and Sydney gasped in shock.

I wasen't going to include this, but NadiaSantosFan said I gave too small updates.

Several minutes later

"Nadia? Can you hear me?" Sydney tried to get Nadia to open her eyes. Sark and Irina had attached her to the wall with more of the eletronic handcuffs and her head had drooped the whole time.

"Sy-Syd?" Nadia stammered in amazement. "Oh my God, what did they do to you?" Her eyes instantly snapped open and she was awed by what she saw.

"I don't know, some sort of Rambaldi fluid and Sark said that I'll be ready for delivery soon." Both sisters fell ssilent and looked at each other.

"Syd? I have some good news? There's a tracking device in my comm, we all had one when we attacked the warehouse incase this happened. Vaughn was rescued and is anxious to get you free. He's gonna be surprised." Sydney smiled at the news about Vaughn, and about the fact that they would be rescued soon.

Irina and Sark suddenly burst into the room. Nadia watched in horror as they shot a compressed air tranq intinto her neck. She wimpered and suddenly her head flopped back and her eyes closed. They undid the restraints and tied her up with some rope. They glanced at Nadia, but shook their heads and they left the room, with the door open. Nadia looked more alert when she heard the gunfire that was coming from the hallway.

Vaughn's POV

Vaughn ran into the room where he had seen Sark and Irina run out of. Nadia was handcuffed to the wall and he pushed the two buttons on the room and she undid the restraints as fast as she could.

"Vaughn, they have Sydney. They knew that you guys were coming." Nadia said. "She was injected with the Rambaldi fluid. The one that will make her pregnant. She's like 9 months pregant already." Vaughn took a deep breath. "She said they are going to use the baby for Rambaldi purposes." Vaughn growled. They both looked up as a masculine voice yelled Nadia from down the hall and got closer.

"Nadia!" It was Weiss. Nadia jumped up and they gave each other a hug. Weiss smoothed her hair. "Ar-are you okay."

"I'm fine, I want to help get Sydney back."


"Guys? Sark and Irina got away with Sydney." Rachel came running into the room. Vaughn sat down on the bed where his Sydney had been, still warm from her body, and tried to fight the tears. Next thing he knew, someone was giving him a hug. He sobbed then. Nadia sobbed as well, shaking, and hugging Vaughn.

"I swear to God, we're gonna kill that b****** when we find him."
Wow. . .This update was great!
I love the way you write their emotions so perfectly.
By the way your english is amazing! . . .Its perfect.
And the action. . :sigh: thats my absolute favourite!
thanks for the great update and thanks so much for making it long! :kiss:
The next stop for Sydney will be the delivery room. Will Vaughn get there in time for the birth? Or will the Rambaldi fluid work so well that the baby will be a fully grown adult before the day is over?

Thanks for the PM.

Sydney struggled to get into a more comfortable position, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to move more than a couple of inches to each side and to turn her head and arch her back and crack her toes. She never was a very still person, so this was a hard thing for her to sit there, hour after hour, waiting for someone to come in her room or to help her out.

“Sydney?” a voice whispered in horror and disbelief. “A-are you okay?” A person had quietly cracked the door. Sydney turned her head quickly, trying to see who the person was, even if it was her mother, she still wanted company.

“Aunt Katya?” Sydney asked awed. She hadn't seen her in almost 15 years and the last time, she had been in jail for treason, but was found innocent. “What are you doing here?”

“I'm not supposed to be here, but you mother called me and told me that I was supposed to come and get you out and back to the hotel where your friends are hiding out.” Katya said.

“Do you have the keys?” Sydney asked. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon with these chains on her. She couldn't help but trust the person that was standing before her, saying that she was going to get her out.

“Only, I need a favor.” Katya said hesitantly, “Irina believes that I am in Russia now, training new recruits for the KGB, but I love you, no matter what, and I will need to disappear somewhere in the world, after I help you out.” She said, almost cringing afterwards, anticipating Sydney's explosion.

“I'll help you, IF you prove yourself to me.” Sydney said firmly. She then looked expectantly down at her chained wrists and ankles and back at Katya. Katya took this to mean that Sydney wished to be unshackled.

“Sydney, I'm sorry that I haven't been to see you. I've been afraid to put your life in risk.” Katya apologized while she turned the key in each of the locks and gently helped Sydney to stand.

Sydney got up and walked around a bit, then started towards the door, motioning Katya to follow her. “Which way?”

“Right.” Katya made a gesture to go first, and Sydney stepped backwards a little bit, allowing Katya to slip by. Katya took off quietly, trying not to cause any noise that could cause suspicion and cause a guard to come looking. Sydney waddled behind, padding like a small kitten down the hallway.

“And just where do you think you are going?” Irina Derevko stepped into view and Sydney unconsciously recoiled from the sneer present on her mother's face. Katya fell as Irina slapped her across the face with the gun she held out in her hands.

“Irina, please, it's for the better good, to get her out, now.” Katya pleaded. She knew her sister was not one to plead with, but Katya took her chance. “Please, for your daughter's sake.”

“I'm sorry, but she's not my daughter, she's my lab rat and I will do what I please.” Irina said smugly, but as she stood looking superior over the two incapable women, Katya struck out, catching Irina by surprise.

“D***! You've been practicing!” Irina said, sounding surprised, as she jumped limberly back, almost as though she was expecting it, and as she blocked the punch Katya threw her way, she said, “But you forgot, I taught them to you.” Irina said as she sent Katya flailing back into a wall, and with a loud resounding crack, Katya's back slammed into the wall.

“But, I'm younger, and not gone through menopause.” Katya smirked as Irina snarled and tried to reach for Katya's throat. “Yes, dear sister.” Katya said as she turned and Irina's head whacked into the wall and she slid down the wall silently, struggling to stay conscious, “I have been practicing.” The last thing Irina Derevko saw was her sister's foot kicking her in the side of the neck, and her eyes shutting, against her will.


Vaughn paced the room. Nadia watched him silently, curled up in Weiss's ample arms, tears still falling down her face, silently now, and Weiss stroked her hair, while Nadia played with the fingers on Weiss's right hand.

“GOD!! I'M GOING CRAZY! IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!” Vaughn snarled as he started to punch the pillow over and over.


“Jack, I'm sure Sydney will be okay soon.” Arvin Sloane lay a comforting hand on Jack Bristow's hand. Jack was staring off into thin air, not responding to anything. He had not eaten or drank anything since they had found out Irina and Sark had Sydney.


Katya turned to look at Sydney, who was leaning against the door frame, gripping it in a death grip.

“What is it?”

“I just went into labor.”
Yeah update!!
I beat the PM off to read!!

But, I'm younger, and not gone through menopause.” Katya smirked as Irina snarled and tried to reach for Katya's throat.

Funny. :smiley:

Katya turned to look at Sydney, who was leaning against the door frame, gripping it in a death grip.

“What is it?”

“I just went into labor.”

Can't wait to read more