Who I Am

Thanks for the comments! Wrote another chapter, lots of explaining done, and not as mean of a cliffhanger, in my opinion. :lol: I thought the chapter was okay, not outstanding but average. Hope you like it!

-Ch. 9-

"Your brother? What the-? How?"

"Well, I'll explain from the beginning. My dad was married to Michael's mother, they were happily married for five years. They had Michael their second year married. Michael's mother Andrea developed breast cancer when Michael was three. She died 6 months later. Bill, devastated, was transfered to France where he met my mother. My grandfather was American and my grandmother was French. Which is why the Foster part. They hit it off quickly, and I came along 9 months later. They then got married, I didn't take my father's name. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind that, I think it had something to do with carrying on the family name." Vaughn rolled his eyes. "We moved to the states a year later. Michael was five years older than me, I always looked up to him. I though he was the coolest. Follwed him everywhere, you know. Like he was some sort of celebrity. He always let me come along for some reason even though I knew he didn't want his little brother around. Then our Dad died. I remember coming home by myself that day, because Michael had a dentist appointment. When I got home I saw my mother and brother sitting at the table crying...." Vaughn paused and looked away from Sydney, releasing a deep breath.

"Vaughn, it's okay." Sydney put her hand on his shoulder.

"When my mother hugged me and weeped on my shoulder for five minutes. I immediately became upset, even before I knew the news. That was when Michael told me what happened. Our dad had died. I jerked myself from my mother's hug, and ran out the door. Running to a field, trying to get rid of all my emotions. I sat in the field for hours crying. It eventually got cold, forgetting my jacket like any other kid, I got sick. Michael finally found me, and had to carry me back to the house. I had to stay in bed for four days. I missed my dad's funeral. When I finally got better, about a week later I went to visit my father's grave. It was beautiful. Made of grey marble, on it was written William Vaughn, loving husband and father. I didn't know how he died until I joined th CIA."


"Michael graduated five years later and moved out. He went to college at a University in Oregon. Graduated at the top of his class. When I got to be his age, I was no where near the student he was. I skipped class, drank, did drugs, fooled around with any girl that would take me up on my offer. Then I got invovled with DEA. I was with them for 3 years before my brother died. He was training to be in the CIA. They sent him on a mission and he never came back. I later found out that he was shot by an agent from DEA. I thought maybe if I rejoined DEA, maybe I could find some more about my brother. I didn't. That's one of the reasons I came back. Along with the fact that they wanted to bring Lauren back, but the main reason was you."

Sydney smiled.

"After my brother died, I took his identity. Partially because I wanted to avenge his death, and another reason was because I was ashamed of the person I had become. I thought maybe this was an opportunity to start over. I erased Craig Foster, it's like he never existed. And that's about where we are now. I joined the CIA, became your handler, helped you take down SD-6 and you know the rest of the story."

"Vaughn, I had no idea.... Why didn't you tell me?"

"DEA is like SD-6, you tell, they kill whoever you told. I hate keeping secrets from you."

"So, are they going to kill me?"

"First off, I changed clothes before I came here. Because last time I was bugged it was in a tie, from your so-called best friend. As you notice now, I don't like wearing ties. Secondly, they don't know APO exists. When I turned myself in, I proposed that APO raids DEA, taking them down. They're already weak, so it would be a great opportunity and APO could gain some valueable information. I already have given all the intel to the CIA, they said they'd think about it. Also I still get to come to briefings, but I still need to be questioned before I can be field rated."

Sydney nodded,"It's just going to take time, for it all to sink in."

Vaughn nodded."I'll still let you call me Vaughn, or Michael, whatever you feel like calling me. That includes dirtbag."

Sydney smiled, and Vaughn smiled back. Vaughn said slyly,"That's a smile I missed." Vaughn kissed her softly on the lips. "It's getting late, I'd better let you get your beauty sleep."

"Yeah, I'd better. You wouldn't let want me looking like a troll."

Vaughn laughed lightly,"If you want to talk some more, I'm renting an apartment on 8th St. I have a lot of moving to get done though. Weiss has all my felgercarb. I can't believe he rented a shaft to put it all in."

They enjoyed each other's presence. You'd never have guessed that they had just spent the previous week crying and weeping over each other. Now they were laughing and smiling like nothing ever happened.

Then Jack came into the room. "Sydney, I thought I'd ask if- Vaughn!" Jack said the name Vaughn in a I'm going to kill you tone.

That's it for now. :smiley:
PM List

Sydney A Vaughn
Nadia Weiss
Nancy O
Great chapter.
Then Jack came into the room. "Sydney, I thought I'd ask if- Vaughn!" Jack said the name Vaughn in a I'm going to kill you tone.
Run Vaughn/Craig Run!! :eek:
I wounder how Jack will react to all of this. :thinking:
Thanks for the pm.
Update soon.
skygirl you are evil!!!!!! just kidding!!! i hate cliffys!!!!!! great chapter!!! pm me when you update!!! that last part was funny, but not for vaughn! hahaha!! lamo!!!
Interesting background on "Vaughn" I enjoyed reading it, but I am wondering how Jack is going to react to this. I hope "Vaughn" survives it.
Thanks for the PM
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>oohhhhh.. I really really like this so far! woot woot!

can i get a pm when you upate? thanks!!!! :whistle:

I don't think Jack is going to be happy. I am glad that everything has been explained to Syd. Great chapters. Thanks for the PMs.
eek! sorry for taking so long to update. been kind of hectic getting everything organized to go back to school in like a week and a half. Anyways! Here's a chapter, not a dreadful, painstaking cliffhanger at the end. :lol: Hope you like it.

-ch. 10-

Jack narrowed his eyes on Vaughn.

Vaughn became frantic and jumped out of his chair. Vaughn put himself on the side of the table to put the table between him and Jack. Vaughn held up his hand."Jack, I didn't--"

"You bastard! I let you propose to my daughter, welcomed you into the family. Then you get her pregnant and leave. How dare you came back."

Jack and Vaughn played cat and mouse around the table. Sydney continued to scream at her father, trying to get him to stop. Jack ignored her pleas and responded with the comment,"Sydney this man doesn't deserve you, he's hurt you way too many times."

"And how many times have you betrayed her?" Vaughn said bluntly.

Jack infuriated with the comment. Jack charged at him across the table, Vaughn flipped the table and bolted for the door. Jack tripped over the table and sprained his ankle.
"Damn it." He muttered.

Sydney didn't pity her father.

Sydney sat down beside her father, and looked in his eyes.

"I love him. Vaughn explained his story. Dad, just give him a chance."

"I've given him plenty of chances."

Vaughn shouted from across the room. "Was that the time you twisted my arm and held a gun to my head for volunteering to be your handler? Or was it the time you accused me of having Sydney as my mistress? I can't seem to recall when-"

"Stop it. Both of you. You have to understand that you both will be family, whether you like it or not." Sydney said in a stern voice.

Vaughn stood by the door still, but said gently towards Sydney,"All right Syd," Then Vaughn yelled at Jack."After all this you're still on my Christmas Card list."

"That's good to know." Jack said in an emotionless, mellow tone, and then muttered some things under his breath.

-Sydney's house-

Setting her keys on the counter, Sydney stumbled on her way to her bedroom. Exhausted, Sydney flopped on her bed. Slowly shutting her eyes. Hoping to get some sleep, but that didn't last long. Nadia must have heard her come home. Nadia flopped on the bed.

"I heard Vaughn is back....So.....spill the dirt." Nadia said in a notorius way. Sydney managed to pry an eye open. She looked at her sister who had a big grin on her face. Nadia seemed proud to accomplish waking Sydney from her slumber. "Let me sleep." Sydney muffled as she squeezed in between the sheets.

"Hey I was just asking. I mean he is your fiance' and all. I'll just bug you about it all day tomorrow."

"Sounds good." Sydney slept well for the first time in months.

Morning came too soon, Sydney had too many thing on her mind. She had to be at APO in 3 hours and-

"Morning sleepyhead."

Sydney opened her eyes, to see 2 sparkling green eyes staring back at her.

"Hey." Sydney said with a smile.

"Hey to you too." Vaughn smiled back at her. "You're so beautiful."


"I made breakfast, well Nadia made most of it. I put the pop-tarts in the toaster. So if that counts I made breakfast."

"I wondered what that horrible smell was."

"Hey! Pop-tarts are my specialty!"

"Blue or purple?"

Vaughn puzzled by her question, responded,"What? Pop-tarts? They're strawberry if that's what you're wondering."

Sydney smiled and rolled her eyes,"No. I'm talking about bridesmaid dresses."

"Oh yeah. That."


"Nothing. We really haven't discussed that have we?"

"No. I'd rather have it before the baby is born."

"Makes sense. Any ideas?"

"I always wanted a September wedding." Sydney said smiling.

"That's like next month."

"I know."

"I thought we were always going to have our ceremony in Vegas, you know have a 30-second ceremony, and get Jack a hooker afterwards. He seems lonely."

"Craig!" Vaughn looked at her, Sydney blushed.

"You called me Craig."

"Yeah," Sydney said shyly."You don't want to be called that?"

"Well, it's just... different."

"I know. I just think Craig is a cute name."

"Okay, that's the last thing I want is a "cute" name. At least you didn't think Michael was cute."

"No, Michael is adorable and sexy."

"No, you're adorable and sexy." Vaughn pulled her in and kissed her passionately.

"Hey you two, breakfast is getting cold." Nadia said half-serious. "Also Syd, I want blue."
PM List.

Sydney A Vaughn
Nadia Weiss
Nancy O

Thanks for reading and I appreciate the comments. :smiley: