
Vaughn said:
I can't ask for my job back, i'm having my ex-manager arrested!! I don't think he'll let me come back.
why are you having him arrested? :confused: [/quote]
I a video of him giving his girlfriend (my now ex-best firend) alcohol. They both have pissed me off way too much the last few weeks, and i'm sick of it, so i'm turnign him in. [/quote]
well i hope he doesn't retaliate against you
He has nothing on me, there's not a thing he can do. I gonna drop the video off at the police station and leave their names with it, no one will know it was me.
Yeah we've been busy today. I'm working with two coworkers. School's out so we're getting a lot of kids wanting to play video games and others buying games.
I don't have a job this summer, but last summer i worked for my brother-in-law. He owns a automotive shop, so i worked on cars and worked in the office too. It was fun, but he had some idiot knuckle head working for him that called himself a mechanic but didn't know shi*. It was really fun, i got to make graphics for cars and stuff. I didn't get paid though, i offered to work for free. Yes i'm a girl and i can fix cars. Deal with it! lol.
