From Birthdays to Wedding Days...


ok so everyone is pretty much... unhappy (understatement i know) with the season 4 finale so im like hell yeah i'm bored freaking out, one parter? sure why not

ok so this takes place assuming none of that BS happend. Basically if the ep just cut off with irina walking away

its s/v; j/i; wadia; spy fam - everything :D

enjoy ^_^

From Birthdays to Wedding Days....

“Sydney, you may not see me on your wedding day, but I’ll see you.”

Irina was wrong. Sydney did see her mother on her wedding day.

It was a warm breezy afternoon in Santa Barbara, California. Not too breezy though, just enough breeze to make the air feel lighter and to keep the beating sun from making the wedding guests too hot. Sydney and Vaughn had seriously considered eloping but after a threat from Weiss (He had said, “If you two run off and get married there for denying us, the people who love you, the joy of seeing you two crazy kids get married after like forty seven years I’ll kill you both, seriously.”) they had reconsidered. After all it would have been sad not to have the people they love there. So there they all were. Weiss was the best man; Nadia was the maid of honor. Jack walked Sydney down a rose petal marked aisle in the sand and then he stood back with Dixon, Marshall, Carrie and Mitchell as the minister began to speak.

Everyone had tears in their eyes as Sydney and Vaughn were finally joined as husband and wife. They hugged and kissed and everyone else clapped. Then they walked over to the small tent which had been set up for their reception.

“Syd wait.” Vaughn held her back as he let the others disappear into the tent with out them. She smiled up at him with her big dimpled grin and Vaughn smiled as well. She was his. She was his wife finally after five long years. He kissed her gently and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She whispered as their foreheads were leaning together.

“Guys come on I’m starving.” Weiss called from the tent.

“Coming.” Sydney and Vaughn laughed together.

As the reception progressed everyone was eating, talking and laughing together; even Jack. “Oh Sydney I’m so happy for you.” Nadia grinned as she smoothed her sister’s hair back from her face.

“Thanks Nadia.” Sydney smiled. “How are you feeling today?” Even though it had been three months since Nadia had been cured of what Yelena had infected her with, Nadia still struggled with her health.

“I’m alright today.” Nadia said. “Thanks.”

“That’s good because I think we may have another wedding to plan soon.” Sydney winked as she nodded her head towards Eric who was talking to Vaughn and Marshall.

Nadia laughed. “Oh I don’t know about that. It’s going to be a while I think.” Nadia said as she smiled over at Eric. Eric and Michael, noticing that they were being watched, left Marshall and joined Sydney and Nadia.

“How’s my beautiful wife?” Vaughn asked with an ear-to-ear grin.

“Good.” Sydney smiled as their lips met.

“Ugh guys I just ate.” Weiss groaned as he put an arm around Nadia’s shoulders.

“Eric they’re newlyweds; that’s allowed.” Nadia said as she smacked his chest gently.

“Ouch!” he hissed. “Don’t start abusing me woman.”

“Woman?!” Nadia asked indignantly.

“Uh oh now he’s in trouble.” Sydney laughed. As the mild bickering between Nadia and Weiss continued Sydney caught a glimpse of something up on the sand dunes above the tent. A mass of brown hair blowing in the wind had just disappeared from view. Sydney felt a pang in her chest as her heart jumped; she knew who that was. “Vaughn.” She said to him quietly, glancing back in his direction.

“I know, I saw her.” Vaughn said. Sydney looked at him for a moment before glancing back towards the sand dune. “Go.” He said.

“But...” She began.

Vaughn shook his head and stopped her. “That doesn’t matter today. All that matters is that its your wedding day and you get to be as happy as any one person possibly could be.”

Sydney smiled, kissed him and then walked off towards the sand dune. She gathered up her long white skirt as she climbed over the sand, hoping that her mother would still be there when she reached the other side. When she came to the top of the mound of sand she saw her walking away. “Mom.” She said, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. Irina heard it and turned around with a smiled.

As Sydney approached her she saw that her mother had her shoes in her hand and was walking barefoot though the sand like everyone else (except Jack who had insisted on wearing shoes). Sydney smiled and repeated “Mom.”

Irina smiled back and stroked her daughter’s cheek lightly. “You look so beautiful Sydney.”

Sydney blushed slightly. “Thanks Mom. I’m really glad you came.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” Irina said.

“Come back with me.” Sydney requested. “There’s plenty of food and...”

Irina shook her head. “I can’t.”

“You can. Nadia’s there and....” Sydney began but Irina still shook her head.

“I really must be going...”

“Is that what you’re going to do?” Sydney asked her. “Run. Just keep running.”

“It’s what I do best.” Irina said with a slight laugh.


“I don’t have a choice Sydney.” Irina shook her head. “As much fun as prison was, I just can’t go back.”

“I’m not saying you have to go back to prison Mom, I don’t want you to.” Sydney said.

“We shouldn’t be talking about this now; this is your wedding day, you should be happy.” Irina said, now with a forced smiled. “I love you sweetheart.”

“I love you too Mom.” Sydney sniffed back her tears. “That’s why I don’t want you to disappear forever. I want to see you and...”

“You will see me.” Irina said. “I promise.”


“Vaughn, where did Sydney go?” Jack asked his now son-in-law.

Vaughn nodded towards the sand dune. “Irina’s here.”

“I see.” Jack nodded. Then they saw Sydney reappear over the top of the dune, wiping her eyes slightly and readjusting the white tank top she was wearing. She walked over to them and smiled forcefully. “Where is she?” Jack asked.

“Gone.” Sydney sighed.

Vaughn put an arm around her and rubbed her back gently. “Come on Syd, let’s get some cake.”

“Alright.” She laughed slightly. As they walked off Jack looked back towards the direction of the sand dune and wondered just how long it would be before he would see her again.


The second Jack let himself into his apartment that night, after driving back from Sydney and Vaughn’s wedding reception, he knew she was there. Irina had a presence about her; she always had and Jack could sense it immediately. The second she was anywhere near him he knew it and he knew it then. His apartment was dark so as he reached for the light switch he prepared himself for the shock of seeing her standing or sitting somewhere in his living room. He flicked the switch and much to his surprise, the room was empty.

The light from the living room filled the kitchen as well but she wasn’t there either. As he walked back through his apartment he noticed the uncomfortable amount of sand in his shoes and paused as he leaned on the kitchen counter and bend down to remove one of his shoes. When he did so, a thin trickle of sand poured from the shoes and pooled onto the floor at his feet. Jack rolled his eyes slightly at the mess he had made while untying the other shoe to remove it.

“You know, that’s why most people don’t wear dress shoes on the beach.” She said.

He glanced up at Irina, who was standing in the doorway of his bedroom, briefly and then turned his attention back to his shoes. “I’m not most people.” He grunted as he reached for a paper towel to clean up the sand.

“I know.... you should probably just vacuum it.” She told him.

“Unbelievable,” Jack muttered under his breath as he shook his head. “What were you doing in there anyway?” He asked her.

“Looking at pictures of Sydney.” She told him. “I just... I wanted to see some since I don’t have any because...”

“You have no home.” He finished for her.

She nodded sadly. “Something like that.” Jack could see the emotion on her face so he stopped cleaning and turned his attention to her. “Sydney mentioned something like that today.... she asked if I was going to run forever.”

“And you said...?” Jack asked.

Irina shrugged. “I guess I don’t really know the answer to that. I guess I always thought I could just keep doing it.... I’m really in denial about my age I think.”

Jack couldn’t help but smile slightly at her comment. “Aren’t we all?”

“But the truth is... I can’t run forever.”

“No, you can’t.” Jack sighed. “But it’s far too late to talk about this tonight.”


The next morning Jack awoke to find Irina’s head resting against his arm and her body curled perfectly around his. It had been so long since he had awoken that way he had forgotten how good it felt to have the person you love beside you the whole night long. Jack glanced briefly at the clock to his left. It was six twenty-five am which mean that Irina would be waking up in exactly five minutes. Irina was Irina, she never changed. In his ten year relationship with her she awoke every single morning at exactly six thirty. Freakish, Jack had called it. Even when Sydney was an infant who didn’t sleep the entire night, Irina would still drag herself out of bed every morning at six thirty no matter what.

Sure enough, five minutes later Irina stretched, yawned, slid from the bed and walked to the bathroom. Freakish, Jack laughed to himself. A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom while brushing her long hair out of her face. She caught a glimpse of Jack watching her and smiled slightly as she examined her reflection in the mirror. “We need to talk.”

“Isn’t that the understatement of the century?” He said as he sat up in bed. Irina smiled slightly and sat down on the edge of the bed with one of her legs tucked underneath her, the other hanging off the side of the bed. “It seems that we have some unresolved issues that we were never able to discuss.”

“I don’t know Jack, how much time do you have? Six months?” She laughed slightly.

“Nadia.” He said simply.

She smiled her infamous knowing smile at him. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Jack just rolled his eyes. “Why do I even bother?” He muttered.

“She’s yours Jack.” Irina said. Jack looked up at her. “She is.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“You never asked.” She smiled. “Besides, would you have listened?”

She had a point, Jack thought. He wouldn’t have listened because up until recently he had been too blinded by his underlying hatred for her, all of which had disappeared the moment he put the bullet in her head. “I’m sorry I shot... you.” He said shakily.

“Apology accepted.” She nodded. “So, Jack, as long as we’re being honest. You really missed me didn’t you?” She smiled.

“Don’t push it.” He said warningly.

“Alright.” She laughed.

“Back to last night’s conversation... I was curious as to when you would be returning to your bunker.” Jack said.

“Bunker? Jack its not a bunker.” She told him.

“Really, what is it then?”

“It’s.....” She let her voice drift off.

“See there is no appropriate term for wooden shack in the Russian wilderness.” Jack said. “Seriously what do you do there? I mean really, give me a day in the life of Irina Derevko, international terrorist. I assume there is no more diabolical plotting.”

“You’re making me sound like a cartoon character.” She sighed. “I just... I don’t know. Uncontrollable circumstances of my life have given me no choice.”

“Uncontrollable circumstances?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t make me paint you a picture Jack.”

“Alright so what’s the difference then say between the Russian wilderness and.... a penthouse apartment in LA?” He asked.

She looked at him for a moment before answering. “Well there are guns here Jack and other assorted weapons we could damage each other with.”

“Weapons?” Jack asked innocently.

Irina nodded. “Five in this room alone.” Jack looked at her suspiciously. “Married. We were married remember? I do hope you hadn’t forgotten that.”

“I haven’t.” He said. “I believe it was you that brought up the interesting issue that we might actually still be married.” They were both silent for a moment, letting that thought sink in before Jack continued. “Anyway at least here you wouldn’t be alone.”

“Sydney and Nadia.” Irina said quietly.

“Them too.” He said as he took her hand. She looked up at him and smiled.


~Two years later~

“Vaughn, are sure you’re not coming?” Sydney asked her husband for the third time that morning.

“Syd I’m sorry I just can’t.” Vaughn sighed. “You know why.”

Sydney nodded at him. She did indeed know why. They had discussed it. Vaughn wasn’t going to stay anything to her nor stop her from seeing her mother but he would not be participating in such activities. Vaughn admitted he would have given anything just to spend one more day with his father and given that Irina was Sydney’s parent, he wasn’t going to deny her spending time with her. Still he couldn’t justify going with her considering what his mother-in-law (a thought he cringed at) had done to his family. Sydney, of course, respected this but it didn’t stop her from offering him to come along.

“Let me see her before you go.” Vaughn smiled as he turned the baby carried towards him. He cooed down at her as he held her tiny hands with his fingers. “I just can’t stop touching her.” He laughed.

“I know.” Sydney smiled as she rested her hand on his back and they admired their daughter together.

“Is she getting bigger? Does she look bigger to you?” He asked.

Sydney laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “Vaughn she’s three days old.”

“I know but...”

Sydney smiled and kissed his cheek. “We’ll be back soon.” She said as she picked up the baby carrier gently and walked out the door. Fifteen minutes later she was riding the elevator up to her father’s apartment. She knocked lightly on the door and it was opened almost immediately.

“Come in sweetheart.” Jack smiled at his daughter.

Sydney smiled back and walked into his apartment where she saw her mother awaiting anxiously. “Hi.” Sydney giggled.

“Sydney!” Irina gasped. “You look wonderful.”

Sydney laughed as she set the baby carrier down on the coffee table. “I don’t know about that.” She sighed as she bent over, took the blanket over top the carrier and lifted her daughter out. Irina and Jack sat on either side of Sydney on the couch as she showed them the infant. “This is Rebecca.” Sydney smiled.

“Oh Sydney she’s gorgeous.” Irina sighed as she observed her tiny granddaughter.

“She really is.” Jack smiled.

“I know I just... I can’t stop looking at her!” Sydney laughed. “Like I’m not sure if she’s real.”

“Yeah.” Irina sighed.

“Here.” Sydney said as she passed the baby off to her mother.

“Oh my she’s tiny.” Irina gasped. “How much did she weigh?”

“Seven pounds eight ounces.” Sydney said.

“That’s not very big.” Irina said. “You were nine pounds.”

“Ouch.” Sydney groaned.

“Yeah I remember.” Irina sighed. “Your sister was much smaller though.”

“How nice for her... speaking of Nadia has she been her lately?” Sydney asked.

“She was here yesterday.” Jack said. “She told us about the baby. She said you hadn’t named her yet though.”

“No, Vaughn and I decided last night on Rebecca Anya Vaughn.” Sydney said as she stroked her daughter’s hand.

“Anya?” Irina asked.

Sydney smiled and nodded. “It sounded pretty.”

“It’s lovely.” Irina smiled.


Two nights later, Sydney was sitting on the family room couch holding Rebecca. She glanced up at the clock. 3 am. Becky had been crying since 6 am the previous morning and Sydney had no idea what to do. Vaughn had tried to help as much as he could but he had to go to work and then he had promised Weiss and Nadia he’d help them put together their new baby crib. Weiss had called at nine and said that Vaughn had “accidentally” fallen asleep on their couch and he asked if he was to quote “wake his ass up and send him home” but Sydney took pity on Vaughn and his hearing and let him stay at Weiss’s.

So there she was, all alone with a screaming new born baby, exhausted out of her mind with no idea of what to do. So she did the only thing she could think of.

“Dad I’m so sorry to call but is she there?” Sydney said hoarsely into the phone as she continued to rock Becky.

“Sydney?” Irina answered.

“Mom she won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do. It’s been almost twenty four hours.” Sydney said, beginning to cry herself. “Please help.”

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Irina said.

“Thank you.” Sydney sobbed into the phone as she hung up. Then she sat on the couch and cried until her mother arrived. “I’m sorry, really sorry.” Sydney sobbed when she let her mother in.”

“It’s alright.” Irina said. “Sydney, go to sleep. I’ll take care of her.”

“Are you sure?” Sydney sniffed.

“Yes go.” Irina said.

“Thank you.” Sydney sighed as she shuffled off to her bedroom where she collapsed onto the bed.

“Come here Becky.” Irina cooed as she picked up the screaming baby. “What’s the matter sweetheart? Hmm? Aren’t you sleepy?” It took Irina half an hour to get her to sleep. She tried everything but finally gently rubbing the baby’s hands and feet put her to sleep, just like it had with Sydney.

At six thirty Vaughn came home and was in utter shock to find Irina sitting in his living room gently rocking the baby carrier with his daughter in it. “What....?” he began.

“Shh!” Irina cut him off. She stood up and walked into the kitchen were he followed her. “Sydney called me.” Irina explained. “She was in tears.”

“She was?” Vaughn asked in surprise.

Irina nodded. “Becky wouldn’t stop crying...”

“Ah if she would have called me then...”

“What would you have done?” Irina asked.

Vaughn just looked at her and grunted. He went to walk away but stopped. “I was at Nadia’s... I fell asleep.” He explained. “Did she tell you that?”

“I didn’t ask.” Irina said.

“Well that’s where I was.” Vaughn said. Why am I explaining myself to her? Vaughn asked himself. Because I don’t want her to shoot me for cheating on her daughter... he answered his own question.

“Alright.” Irina smiled, knowing she was making him uncomfortable.

“I’m going to go... shower.” He said as he walked away, glancing back nervously.

Irina chuckled to herself as she walked back to the baby carrier to check on Becky who was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled at her and wondered how she had ever thought she could live without being in the lives of her two daughters and their families. That was certainly not a possibility; not anymore. Sure it was hard and crazy and it would never be perfect but that was ok because she had Jack and Sydney and Nadia and now Becky and soon a new granddaughter or grandson to watch over.

Jack had said that no one could hold onto Irina Derevko for too long. Maybe that was true but maybe they could only hold onto her if she let them.

Awww very sweet!!

Love S/V getting married!! :love: and the Baby!!

So sweet.

I can't wait to see if there is more of this.

There will be more right Janet??
That was so cute. The Irena line at the end of the final was my favorite line ever. I was crying when she said that. I wish spy mom would stay forever.
That was great Janet ... needed a little fluff after last night ... I was sooo about ready to cry ... awww loved it ... poor Vaughn ... thanks for the PM.
wow!!! I loved it, thank you for not adding in the ending from last night's episode, I would rather for get about it if possible! Your brilliant! brilliant I tell you!!!!
That story was great! THat is how they should have ended it last night..them actually getting married. Does anyone else feel totally betrayed by last night. I have watched all 88 episodes of Alias, some of them twice, and now I feel pissed!! I am a big S/V shipper, and that is the only thing that keeps it interesting for me, is their relationship, and some of the missions, mostly the ones that involve Vaughn, and now...he isn't even Vaughn???? WTF?? Ok, I am done venting for now!! Great job!

Crinxie (n)
omg Janet! i heart it!
its so perfect and lovely.

Sydney smiled, kissed him and then walked off towards the sand dune. She gathered up her long white skirt as she climbed over the sand, hoping that her mother would still be there when she reached the other side. When she came to the top of the mound of sand she saw her walking away. “Mom.” She said, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. Irina heard it and turned around with a smiled.

As Sydney approached her she saw that her mother had her shoes in her hand and was walking barefoot though the sand like everyone else (except Jack who had insisted on wearing shoes). Sydney smiled and repeated “Mom.”

Irina smiled back and stroked her daughter’s cheek lightly. “You look so beautiful Sydney.”

Sydney blushed slightly. “Thanks Mom. I’m really glad you came.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” Irina said.

“Come back with me.” Sydney requested. “There’s plenty of food and...”

Irina shook her head. “I can’t.”

you makey me cry. :cry: (literally)
its so cute.
i am in love with your writing.
okay i sound like a stalker.
but yeah.
my brain needs to stop going BLAH! so i can review.

*tries to concentrate*
*is overwhelmed by concentration*

“We shouldn’t be talking about this now; this is your wedding day, you should be happy.” Irina said, now with a forced smiled. “I love you sweetheart.”

“I love you too Mom.” Sydney sniffed back her tears. “That’s why I don’t want you to disappear forever. I want to see you and...”

“You will see me.” Irina said. “I promise.”
i love them both, too. but they don't love me.... or do they? :eyebrow:

and YAY! spymommy said syddiepie will see her! *huggles Janet* YAY!

“I don’t have a choice Sydney.” Irina shook her head. “As much fun as prison was, I just can’t go back.”
okay so technically its all wrong ordered now, but yerah. i just had to say.... i :love: that. 😆 hilarious.

The second Jack let himself into his apartment that night, after driving back from Sydney and Vaughn’s wedding reception, he knew she was there. Irina had a presence about her; she always had and Jack could sense it immediately. The second she was anywhere near him he knew it and he knew it then. His apartment was dark so as he reached for the light switch he prepared himself for the shock of seeing her standing or sitting somewhere in his living room. He flicked the switch and much to his surprise, the room was empty.

The light from the living room filled the kitchen as well but she wasn’t there either. As he walked back through his apartment he noticed the uncomfortable amount of sand in his shoes and paused as he leaned on the kitchen counter and bend down to remove one of his shoes. When he did so, a thin trickle of sand poured from the shoes and pooled onto the floor at his feet. Jack rolled his eyes slightly at the mess he had made while untying the other shoe to remove it.

“You know, that’s why most people don’t wear dress shoes on the beach.” She said.
*happy sigh* spyparents... :love: :2love:

He glanced up at Irina, who was standing in the doorway of his bedroom, briefly and then turned his attention back to his shoes. “I’m not most people.” He grunted as he reached for a paper towel to clean up the sand.

“I know.... you should probably just vacuum it.” She told him.

“Unbelievable,” Jack muttered under his breath as he shook his head. “What were you doing in there anyway?” He asked her.
:eyebrow: :naughty:

She nodded sadly. “Something like that.” Jack could see the emotion on her face so he stopped cleaning and turned his attention to her. “Sydney mentioned something like that today.... she asked if I was going to run forever.”

“And you said...?” Jack asked.

Irina shrugged. “I guess I don’t really know the answer to that. I guess I always thought I could just keep doing it.... I’m really in denial about my age I think.”
:D Denial is good! Long live denial!!! :D
spymommy could come and live here. there is space under my bed. :smiley:

The next morning Jack awoke to find Irina’s head resting against his arm and her body curled perfectly around his. It had been so long since he had awoken that way he had forgotten how good it felt to have the person you love beside you the whole night long. Jack glanced briefly at the clock to his left. It was six twenty-five am which mean that Irina would be waking up in exactly five minutes. Irina was Irina, she never changed. In his ten year relationship with her she awoke every single morning at exactly six thirty. Freakish, Jack had called it. Even when Sydney was an infant who didn’t sleep the entire night, Irina would still drag herself out of bed every morning at six thirty no matter what.

Sure enough, five minutes later Irina stretched, yawned, slid from the bed and walked to the bathroom. Freakish, Jack laughed to himself. A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom while brushing her long hair out of her face. She caught a glimpse of Jack watching her and smiled slightly as she examined her reflection in the mirror. “We need to talk.”
cute... he remembers. :2love:

talk? about what? :Paranoid:

they ARE going to stay together. forever. in a happy, non-spying world. (y)

okay Janet i hope you don't mind but i'm going to add to this tomorrow morning... right now i'm too :o_O: and i'm beign a little strange.
and there's a spider on the floor so i'm not concentrating. and i can't touch the floot in case it comes and EATS ME. which it might. cause its a spider... :run:

~steph :angelnot:
That was so great
I loved it
I wish you would turn this into a series
It seems that Irina and Vaughn will never get along
That makes me sad
Thanks for the PM
Update again soon please


why can't jj come down here every once in a while

*glares at jj* i THINK i know what you're upset about janet... and yeah... it's something about vaughnie...


too cute :love:

luv juju :harp: