The Wedding

:daisy: Alright a little preview of whats to come first more angst between Vaughn and Irina, the proposal everyone dreams of happening, and more of Mason who I just love to write about. Maybe even Will and Sydney going on a mission together we'll see hope you like this part its so sweet!


Vaughn ran into the emergency room looking for Sydney, “I’m looking for a woman they just brought in here that was hit by a car.”
“I think that she’s in surgery I’ll go check if you take a seat right over there I’ll be right back,” the nurse could care less that it was Sydney.
“Alright,” Vaughn went to the waiting room about ten minutes later the nurse came out and told him Sydney was still in surgery that the doctor would speak to him when she got out. Vaughn just shook his head he was barley able to breathe his world was falling apart all over again. Will showed up after thirty minutes, “Is she ok?”
“Last thing I got was that she was in surgery that was almost in hour ago,” Vaughn needed to know how she was.
“She’s going to make it Vaughn, Sydney wouldn’t leave you or Mason,” Will patted his friend on the shoulder.
“Yeah,” Vaughn and Will sat back down waiting for the doctors word. After another hour a doctor finally came out, “Are you the man asking about Sydney Bristow?”
“Yes she’s my fiancée how is she?” Vaughn didn’t want them to pull the hospital policy thing on him so he just told them that they were getting married.
“We have her stabilized she had a lot of internal bleeding and suffered a bad head wound,” the doctor looked at his notebook for anything else.
“Is she going to be ok?” Vaughn nervously asked.
“We think that we stopped all the internal bleeding but she stills unconscious and we had to put her on a ventilator to help her breathe,” the doctor checked something with a pen on his clipboard.
“Can I see her?” Vaughn couldn’t believe this was happening.
“Yes their moving her into a room right now I’ll have a nurse show you the way,” the doctor motioned for a nurse to come here, “show this man to Sydney Bristow’s room.”
“Yes sir,” the nurse motioned for Vaughn to follow her. Sydney had been placed in the critical care hallway towards the entrance, “this is it sir.” The nurse stopped in front of a room and motioned for him to go in. When Vaughn opened the door he saw Sydney lying on the bed with machines hooked up to her over her whole body. He grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to her bed, “Syd please wake up I can’t do it by myself.” Vaughn didn’t dare think about how he would take care of Mason without her. Vaughn started to cry he grabbed her hand in just held it throughout the entire night waiting for her to wake up. The next morning the doctor came in and asked him to leave so they could run some tests to make sure she wasn’t bleeding on the inside. When went to the waiting room he was greeted by Weiss and Will, “Hey man how she doing?” Will asked.
“She’s on a ventilator and she hasn’t woke up yet,” Vaughn looked down at the ground.
“I’m sure she’ll wake up today,” Weiss said trying to comfort Vaughn he wasn’t that good at it though.
“Where’s Mason?” Vaughn needed is one length to Sydney.
“At Hillary’s do you want me to go get him?” Will asked.
“Yeah Sydney needs to hear him,” Vaughn was determined that she would wake up for Mason’s sake.
“Alright I’ll be back in about thirty minutes,” Will left the hospital.
“How about I go get us something to eat?” Weiss broke the silence.
“I’m not hungry but you can I’m going back to Sydney’s room come get me when Mason gets here,” Vaughn turned and walked back towards Sydney’s room. The doctor came out of the room as he went to open the door, “How is she doing?”
“Well she isn’t bleeding internally but were worried that if we take her off the ventilator she won’t breathe on her own,” the doctor was taking a knife and cutting right into Vaughn’s heart.
“She will doctor she’s a fighter,” Vaughn said trying to fill any doubts that the doctor had.
“I hope so, I have to go look in on another patient I’ll be back later to see how she’s doing,” the doctor headed towards the nurses station Vaughn started to walk into Sydney’s room when he saw Will come around the corner carrying Mason. Mason started to struggle trying to get free so he could run to Vaughn when Will got about five yards away he let him on the ground.
“Daddy,” Mason yelled running to Vaughn. Vaughn bent down and scooped his son up in his arms. Mason was his lifeline to Sydney the one thing that would never let them separate he needed that right now.
“You want to see mommy?” Vaughn pushed in the door to her room.
“Yes please,” Mason looked into his dads eyes with his huge green eyes. Vaughn and Mason went and sat next to Sydney, “Syd look whose here someone wanted to see you say hi Mason.”
“Hi mommy,” Mason said with a puzzled look on his face.
“You hear him Syd wake up Syd wake up for Mason,” Vaughn let a tear roll down his cheek.
“She’s sleepin,” Mason so cute and innocent said.
“Yep she’s just sleeping,” Vaughn yawned.
“I’m tired,” Mason said yawning after he saw Vaughn do the same thing. Mason laid his head down on Vaughn’s chest and drifted off to sleep, Vaughn watched him fall asleep and then closed his own eyes to get some needed rest. Sydney’s eyes started to flutter open she tried to get focused there was something lodged in her throat her head was pounding and she felt like someone was stabbing her with little knifes in her rib cages. She sees Vaughn sitting in a chair next to her with Mason asleep on his chest her eyes relaxed a little. She tries to call out to Vaughn but can’t because of the thing in her throat she starts to remember the truck swerving around the corner out of nowhere she didn’t have time to get out of the way. She tries to call out to Vaughn again it causes her to cough which wakes Vaughn.
“Syd,” Vaughn moves toward her careful not to wake Mason. Sydney has tears running down her face.
“I’ll go get a doctor,” Vaughn turns to leave but Syd grabs his hand that he isn’t using to hold Mason.
“I’ll be right back,” Vaughn could tell she was hurting in her eyes. Sydney shook her head and Vaughn walked out of the room to the nurse’s station, “My fiancée just woke up.”
“I’ll page the doctor,” the nurse picked up the phone and paged Sydney’s doctor over the intercom. Vaughn turned to go back in the room Mason had awaken with all the commotion.
“Mommy,” Mason smiled at the site of his awaken mother. Sydney managed to smile even though the pain was so intense.
“The doctor’s on the way,” Vaughn moved Mason where Sydney could touch him with her hand. It took the doctor five minutes to make his way to Sydney’s room, “I’m glad to see your awake Mr. Vaughn can you step outside while we remove the ventilator.”
“I’ll be right outside I’m going to find Will and Weiss,” Vaughn picked Mason up from the chair Sydney shook her head and Vaughn left.
“Will she’s awake,” Vaughn yelled out in excitement.
“I told you she was she wouldn’t leave you or Mason,” Will pinched Mason’s cheek.
“Will you watch him while I go back in there?” Vaughn asked knowing that Will would.
“Yeah Weiss went to get some food and then he’s coming back,” Will took Mason from Vaughn’s arms.
“Ok I’ll be back out in a few minutes,” Vaughn headed back towards Sydney’s room. When he walked in the nurse was helping her sit up, “He can take over from here.” Sydney dismissed the nurse.
“Where’s Mason?” Sydney noticed his absence.
“Will has him I thought you cold use some quiet time,” Vaughn went to her bedside.
“Vaughn, I’m so sorry I just wanted to go for a run,” Sydney started to cry.
“Sydney it wasn’t your fault the guy was drunk God please don’t cry I’m so glad your ok,” Vaughn cupped her chin to make sure she was listening.
“I love you and Mason so much I was so scared after it happened that I was going to die,” Sydney grabbed his hand.
“You should rest Syd I’m not going anywhere and neither is Mason,” Vaughn sat down and rubbed her hand until she fell asleep. He quietly then left the room to go talk to Will.
“Hey how she doing?” Will stood up.
“Good where’s Mason?” Vaughn immediately noticed his absence.
“Eric took him to the cafeteria to feed him he was hungry,” Will quickly answered after hearing Vaughn’s concern.
“For some reason I don’t see Weiss feeding Mason,” Vaughn laughed at the thought of his friend taking care of Mason Will joined him.
“I know but he’s great with him,” Will couldn’t help but smile.
“Listen I’m going to see how long the doctor thinks that Sydney will be in here and then I need to run an errand do you want to go sit with her in case she wakes up?” Vaughn asked not wanting Sydney to feel like he left her.
“Yeah I’ll go sit with her, I’ll tell Weiss first ok?” Will loved Sydney like a sister.
“Yeah sounds good I’ll be back in about an hour maybe longer,” Vaughn said as he started towards where the doctor was supposed to be.
“She won’t be able to leave for about a week we still need to keep her under close observation,” the doctor answered Vaughn.
“Ok thank you for everything,” Vaughn turned to leave the hospital he didn’t wasn’t to be gone to long.

wow those last 2 chaps were so intense!! oh thank god syds alright!! you are such an amazing writer and i cant wait for more!!
YAY Sydney is alright!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmmmm is Vaughn maybe going to an, I don't know, jewelry shop??? To get a certains omething that sits on a certain finger??? lol I'm totally fantasizing
I'm sorry to say that I probably won't be updating until Monday morning its the weekend and I don't have many free ones left until college soccer starts!