The New Girl

Chapter 16

"We got word from one of our stationed operatives in Madrid. He saw a man exactly resembling Vaughn entering the private care wing of a hospital." Dixon.

"Private care wing?" Sydney asked.

"According to our agent, he was wearing a straight jacket. Fortunately, there's an opening for a doctor at that hospital. You're going in as Alexandra Histalco, a local doctor who just became certified. We've sent your 'papers' over already."


"Understand that this will be the closest thing to a deep cover assignement. You'll be posing as someone who's just starting out at that place. To avoid arousing suspicion, we don't want you to head straight for Vaughn. Work you're way up to being the one to treat him. Then get him out and radio us for extraction."

"I understand."

"When do I leave?"

"As soon as you're done in Op-Tech."


Vaughn walked down the furniture aisle of the department store.

What was he really doing here?

The truth was, he didn't really know himself.

Men with guns ran down the aisle and he was knocked out.

He woke up and realized he was in the back of a pick-up truck, and he was wearing a straight jacket.


"Okay, Marshall. What do you have for me?" Syd asked. She sat anxiously on the top of a desk, crossing and uncrossing her legs.

"Well, I've got a standard code discrambler. And, um, well, a remote modem to hack into the hospital's network."

"That's it?"

"I know, not very exciting, right? Oh, wait! Here's something." he took out of a drawer a small ring.

"Looks nice." Syd said, taking it from his hand. "What does it do?"

"Well," he began, taking the ring back, "It's a tracking device. What you do is, you could show it to whatever person you want to track saying, I don't know, that it's a congratulations present from your former medical instructor or something. Anyway, it has an invisible laser that activates as soon as the persons eye get's close enough to it. Then you lift up the top of the ring and under it is a small GPS screen that lets you see the person's movements." He said all this while demonstrating, then handed her the ring.

"Now, that's more like it." she said, smiling, and took the ring from his hand.

Later, Syd sat at her desk, trying to find as much information as she could on the Madrid hospital.

"Syd, the planes ready."
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 17</span>

He was shoved against the wall with such force he felt vibrations throughout the entire hallway.

She seemed to struggle as she held him on the wall, but wasn't in any physical pain.

Suddenly, she let go, and looked at him with such intense eyes he had to look down. Her face leaned in close. She brushed a hand through his hair, and kissed his lips softly.

He looked up.




Sydney Bristow walked up to the guard at the sliding doors. The guard glanced at her fake I.D. and said

"Ms. Histalco. Right this way, please." he smiled and she followed him down a hallway and into an elevator.

As soon as the door closed, she took the guard out, unlooked his keys from his belt and put them in the pocket of her doctor's uniform.


Dixon began "Once you get the keys off the guard, we want you to go to the third floor of the building. That's the E.R. Now, I know you're anxious to extract Vaughn, but you have to understand, if you arouse suspicion, you're done for. Work on some of your own patients, get to know you're way around the hopsital. Then make your move."

"Where is Vaughn being held exactly?"

"Don't worry, Syd, he's close. He's on the fourth floor, but all the way on the other side of the building in the private care wing."

"Ok. Will I be able to contact you?"

"In order to maintain your cover, you won't carry a comm. But here's an untraceable number." he said, handing her a scrap of paper. "Memorize it. Call it on a pay phone and only when you need to."

"Got it."


Syd got off on the third floor. Immediately, she was whisked to the patient board at the desk in the middle of the waiting room by another female doctor around her height. She put a patient chart into Syd's hand and pointed to a curtained hospital bed in the corner.

Sydney walked toward the bed with poise but pulled the curtain aside with caution.

"Who is it?" The man laying on the bed asked with a Jamaican accent.

"My name is Dr. Histalco." She noticed his hands and face were covered by some cloth.

"I apologize for the whole "mask" thing. It's my religion."

"I understand, Mr......." She looked at his chart. "...Mr. Roberts. It says here you're out of medication. I'll go get you another stash."

As she was walking away, in the corner of her eye she thought she saw him lift up his mask and reveal a smile off his pale white face and a strand of blond hair.

It's late. I must be hallucinating.

He can't be Sark.

She chanced a look back at him.

He is.


Irina sat at on a chair by the window, watching the rain fall ceaselessly on the tall window.

She saw his reflection, standing in the open doorway. She turned arund.

"I suppose," Jack began, "that when you didn't say anything at the Ops Center, you were either too angry, or you decided not to make a scene."

"How could you keep this from me, Jack?" she asked, livid and weak at the same time. "You told me then that she was--"

"If I were to tell you the truth, you would have gone after her."

"And? That would have been a bad thing? Look where she ended up, and because no one did go after her."

"How was I supposed to know, Irina, that her life would end up the way it did?"

"Well, sometimes Jack, you need to take chances."

He walked out of the room and closed the door.

Irina stared out the window again.

I still love him.

Don't I?


At about 2:30 in the morning, Syd moved out of the doctor's ward and snuck down the hall to a pay phone she had found shortly after meeting "Mr. Roberts".

She lifted the reciever to her ear and dialed the CIA number she had memorized.

"Ben's Fishnet." Dixon said with a southern accent, having been waiting by the line at Ops Center.

"Hi, sir." Sydney said, using her Spanish accent. "I was wondering if you had any extended wires left in stock."

"Ok." Dixon said, back to his normal voice. "What's up?"

"I think I spotted Sark. He's posing as a patient, a Mr. Roberts. He covers his face and hands because of a so-called religion."

"I understand. As a precaution, I'll prep a team and send them to a nearby position to be ready."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate that."

As she moved back toward he ward, Sark's associate, who was watching and listening the whole time, turned swiftly around and ran towards the exit.


The next morning, Syd made a move toward Sark.

When checking his vitals, she activated the invisible laser on her ring, planting the tracking device.

For the rest of the day, Sydney went about her business as Dr Histalco, stopping to copy the info on the hospital's computer hard drive using her remote modem.

After dark had fallen, she approached the head doctor standing at the desk.

"I heard there's a critical patient on the fourth floor in the private care wing."

"Yes, ma'am. A Mr. Michael Sundae." Sydney realized they weren't using his real last name. She casually leaned against the desk.

"I am so bored..."

"I get it." the head doctor siad. "Here's his chart."


After making her way into the private care wing and up to the fourth floor, Syd found Vaughn's room and woke him up.

"Syd?" he said.

"Michael, it's me. Sark's here. You were captured. I don't know what for, but--" She was interrupeted by the beeping of her GPS watch.

She lifted up the screen and realized Sark was right on the other side of the door.

She got Vaughn up and they began to chase Sark.

Syd finally caught up with him and tripped him.

He was shoved against the wall with such force he felt vibrations throughout the entire hallway.

She seemed to struggle as she held him on the wall, but wasn't in any physical pain.

Suddenly, she let go, and looked at him with such intense eyes he had to look down. Her face leaned in close. She brushed a hand through his hair, and kissed his lips softly.

He looked up.

She pressed her lips against his hard and held him close. She brushed another hand through his hair and tilted her head. They were both so caught up they didn't even hear Vaughn as he ran up to them.

"Syd!" Vaughn yelled. "Syd, are you..." he stopped as he saw.

"What are you doing?"
OMG! She kissed Sark... *dances* the last name.

This was an awesome of the best you've written!

Thanks for the PM... btw...I replied to your comment about can check it out.
Thanks. I got the reaction I was expecting (well, at least from crystal; i knew shed be dancing lol).

More to come....

Especially about Irina/Jack. What was their fight about? Just who were they discussing? Well, maybe I'll tell ya...

<!--spoilerbs--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>SPOILER </td></tr><tr><td id='SPOILER'><!--spoilerbe-->And maybe I won't! hahah!<!--spoileres--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--spoileree-->
Chapter 18

I turn and look into your eyes
Inside there is a sense of surprise
Will you love me, standing still?
Standing here, on this hill.
Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you look at me at all?

Sydney takes one last longing look at Sark, and then knocks him out.

"Vaughn, grab a wheelchair!"

He was brought back to his senses, although her words still rang in his ears.

"Vaughn, grab a wheelchair!"

Vaughn? What happened to Michael? What happened to us?

Later, they are walking through the alleways and shadowed streets. They come to a woody area. Sydney is rolling Sark on the wheelchair.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this." Vaughn said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you kidding me? You kissed him--"

"Vaughn, I don't know--"

"See, that's just it!"


"As soon as you broke from that son of a b****, you started calling me Vaughn instead of Michael."

"What are you, sixteen? What does it matter?"

Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. "Do you love me?" he asked.

She hesitated a split second too long.

"Sydney?!" he asked again.

She was about to say something, but they both nearly tripped over two dead CIA guards lying on the ground.

A figure ran through the small clearing. Sydney caught it in the corner of her eye.

She abandoned the wheel chair and chased the figure.

After a long straight path, the figure took a sharp diagonal turn.

Then Vaughn appeared from the side and kicked the figure, catching it off guard.

He looked at Sydney. She almost broke down. The figure lay face down. She ran to him and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him. He kissed her back. The figure got up and knocked them both out.

A/N: Passion can be distracting, huh?


"We need to talk, Irina."

She uncertainly stepped into the room.

"What's happened?" she asked.

"Do you remember, when Sydney was born, a big decision we made?"

"Jack, have you found her?"

"Yes. Our other daughter was adopted. She goes by the name Rachel Reed."

"That's where she's been this whole time?"

"The thing is, something's going to happen. An asassination has been planned. We need to stop this."

"We've got to tell Sydney."

Syd woke up slumped against a rocky wall.

They were in the cave.
Good question Ethan! I won't know for sometime...and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I know I did great in 4/5 of my classes...that 5th one was like..."eh"...not sure. Its been a rough semester for me. Lets put it this way...if Russian is your easiest class....enough said (thank goodness I'm done with Calculus!)
yeah i know, all of my subjects im good in expect for social studies--OMG my teacher practically wants me to fail in everything i do in that class!
A/N: Ok, here it is guys. The long-anticipated Chapter 19. Sorry it took so long; I've got a lot of other things on my mind, and there's been a lot of those board messages. Please read and review!

Chapter 19-Strength

"They'll come back. You will not suceed in this."

"It's funny." Sark said, ignoring him. "How no one ever remembered that I got that last one."

"I don't think I'll ever understand why you do this."

"We are here to finish Rambaldi's noble work!"

"Not for long." he said, weakly. He knew he was going to die.

"I must say." Sark continued, still ignoring him, "something that came out of this which was quite strange yet quite satisfying was having the pleasure of a moment with Sydney."

Those words gave him the last bit of strength to pull the cord in his jacket.

An explosion rocked the walls of the cave.



It might have seemed as if the Rotunda was completely empty.

But it was full. Full of agents rushing to figure out a perfect plan to save Sydney and Vaughn.

In the conference room, Jack, Irina and Rachel sat strategizing with Dixon.

"We know the location. But we don't want to storm in their like the Special Forces." Irina said.

"Jack," Dixon began, "I want you to call Sark on your untraceable phone, posing as a buyer for the vial. Tell him your terms are you must meet at the cave and you will remain out of sight, so he doesn't recognize you. But the money will not."

"I'll get to it."

"Rachel will pose as your buisiness partner. So will Irina. You leave in one hour."


West Virginia


Sark pulled back the parting of the tent, dressed in a silk robe. Turning his head back into the tent, he said "Darling, we have to get to work."

Sark's associate lifted her head up. "Julian, come here." She smiled as she spoke.

He crawled over to her and leaned in close.

"Have you ever noticed how similar our faces are?" she asked.

"You look beautiful, Lauren." he said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

She laughed.


Jack, Irina and Rachel stood in the CIA garage.

"Mr. Sark?" Jack asked in a disguised voice. "My name is Charles Swinson. I worked closely with Arvin Sloane, dealing with security matters and supplying goods. I am calling to propose a selling of the Rambaldi vial you have in your posession. Yes, I am referring to the liquid which contains the DNA of Rambaldi and The Chosen One." he nodded to Irina and Rachel, who pressed the enter key on their laptops, planting the fake profile information that they knew Sark would be looking for on 'Charles Swinson.'


"Very well." Sark said into his cell phone, after viewing the profile Lauren had found on the internet. "You will enter through the hillside area three miles from the house." He hung up. Then he said to Lauren, who was recording the call the whole time, "Run his breathing patterns through our database." She did and Jack's picture came up.


Jack drove up the road with Irina and Rachel sitting next to him.

"You two stay here." he said when they stopped at the entrance. Jack got out and was gone a minute later.

"Remember the plan." he said before he disappeared into the ground.

"You know what to do?" Irina asked.

"I know, mom." Rachel said. "When dad pulls the cord, we get the signal, and we detonate."

Irina smiled with pride.

Inside the gave, Lauren stood over Vaughn, Sark over Sydney.

"Hello, honey." Lauren said.

Sydney and Vaughn were both very drowzy from the drugs they had been given.

"I thought you were dead." Sydney said."

Suddenly the sound of a masked voice bounced off the walls, saying "Mr. Sark, it's Mr. Swinson. We have the money." A case slid out onto the floor from the darkness. Lauren picked it up, put it in a safe and Sark pressed a button on his watch, dragging Jack out and cuffing him.

Sydney couldn't help. She was bound. So was Vaughn.

"Take them out." Sark said.

Lauren looked at him questioningly.

"Now!" She did.

Sark injected Jack with a toxin. He called it the death toxin.

"They'll come back. You will not suceed in this."

"It's funny." Sark said, ignoring him. "How no one ever remembered that I got that last one."

"I don't think I'll ever understand why you do this."

"We are here to finish Rambaldi's noble work!"

"Not for long." he said, weakly. He knew he was going to die.

"I must say." Sark continued, still ignoring him, "something that came out of this which was quite strange yet quite satisfying was having the pleasure of a moment with Sydney."

Those words gave him the last bit of strength to pull the cord in his jacket.

An explosion rocked the walls of the cave.


Irina and Rachel saw felt their earpieces vibrate and Rachel pressed the detonation button. They ran inside.


An explosion rocked the walls of the cave. Lauren ran back out to Sark, dropping her knife. Sydney used all her strength to craw over and untie herself, then Vaughn. They ran after Lauren.

Sydney saw her mom and her sister run inside. Sark and Lauren had been knocked unconscious by them.

They had done it. The vial was secure.

She turned to the postition where her dad lay.

His eyes were closed.

She ran over to him and felt no pulse.
A/N: Couldn't wait...had to post this next chapter! LOL.

Chapter 20-Aftermath

*If I’m gone when you wake up
Please don’t cry
If I’m gone when you wake up
It’s not goodbye
Don’t look back at this time as a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
‘Cause I’ll be with you in your dreams

St. John’s Hospital
Room 747

Jack Bristow lay on a hospital bed, a heart monitor beeping…


“The explosion did serious damage to his back and chest bones. That won’t kill him. But he won’t be able to walk for the rest of his life. We don’t know what other effects the explosion had on him, so technically, we don’t know if he will survive or not.” A doctor told Sydney.

“But…are you sure there’s nothing you can do?”

“We’re sure. At least not anytime soon.”

Jack’s eyes opened and Sydney pushed past the doctor over to him.

“Miss, he needs sleep.” The doctor told her, but she ignored him.

She choked up tears and he held her hand.


“Sydney, you have to be strong. Fight. Do not give up.”

She let her head rest on his shoulder but she didn’t cry.

She didn’t cry.


Later that day, Sydney opened the door of her house that she shared with Vaughn to see him sitting on the couch, looking straight in her direction.

He got up, ran to her and held her in an embrace, knowing that was what she needed. She hugged him back.

But she didn’t cry.

She held on to his hand and looked deeply into his eyes. She guided him up the stairs and through the doors into their bedroom.

She sat him down and kissed him softly. They both lay back.

“I love you so much.” She said in between breaths.

He unbuttoned her shirt…

Three hours later, it was early in the morning. Sydney got up from bed and walked around to where Michael lay.

She smiled at him as she brushed his hair. Then the doorbell rang. Sydney ran for the closet, put on a robe, and came downstairs to the door.

It was a package. She signed for it and then brought it into the kitchen. She got out a knife and opened it.

It was a picture frame with a picture already placed in it. She could tell the picture was taken very recently, probably that day.

She could tell because the date was the day before, when she visited her dad at the hospital.

Her mother and sister were sitting next to him, and all three of them were looking at the camera, Jack laying in his hospital bed and…

And smiling.

He’s okay. I know he is She thought.

Vaughn came downstairs and said, “Syd, is everything alright?”

“Everything’s wonderful.”

“Your dad is okay?” he asked.

She turned around and smiled.

“Good. Because there’s something I really have to do.”

Be ready, Mike he thought as he opened the pantry door and reached in back to bring out a small jewelry case.

He got down on one knee and opened the case to reveal the most beautiful ring Sydney had ever seen in her life.

“I think we should get to the next level. I love you more than my life, more than anything in the world, I would die for you. You are my one. Sydney, will you marry me?”

She laughed and cried all at the same time. She then sat on the floor in front of him, smiling.

"Of course I will." They both laughed and she kissed him. The phone rang.

Sydney was both happy and annoyed that the phone was ringing at a time like this.

Nevertheless, she picked it up.


"Sydney, this is your mother."

"Mom? Is everything ok?"

"I don't know."

"Tell me everything."


A guard patrolled the hallway adjacent to the CIA Prisoner Cells.

"Hey, Jimmy!" Another guard, at the office desk near the entrance to the cell blocks, called to him. "Make sure Mr. Sark and Ms. Reed are in their place."

"Um, actually, I think they're supposed to be outside. Their exercise session.

Jimmy opened the door that led out to the fenced yard, and saw four agents lying on the floor, unconscious. He also saw that a hole had been cut through the fence and the electricals at the gate furhter outside were down.

He turned on his comm unit. "They've escaped. The prisoners have escaped."


"Okay, okay. Let's go over this again." Sydney was pacing the floor, talking to her mother on the phone.

"I told you. Your sister and I were arriving to visit your father and the floor that his room is on was entirely empty. His room was torn apart, the window open, and he was gone."

Another tone came through on Sydney's phone. "Sorry, mom, that's my other line. Hold on a sec."

When she got on the other line, a familiar cocky yet calm British voice spoke to her.

"Ms. Bristow?"


"We have your father. And if you don't give up the vial within the next thirty-six hours, I will do something I am sure you will regret."
*Lyrics: 'With You In Your Dreams', by Hanson
Whew~ two awesome chapters for me to read! I haven't been to this board much lately because of the messages, but after four tries i finally got through to read this fic. I just hope the reply posts (better copy it just in case lol)

Well Jack has to be okay, because, well let's face it, he's Jack Bristow he just has to!

I loved the picture that was a great part!
Thank you for the PM!