Time is Precious

I knew it!!! She's going to pop out a full grown adult! Sydney won't need Pampers for her baby...she's going to need Depends. :lol:

Oh my God. i can't beleive that she is in labor. I hope that she is able to get out soon.

No I didn't get pm for this update. I did recieve your email asking me if I had recieved it. Please send me a pm.

Oh i hate Irina in this fic!
:angry: she's so mean to Syd!
Syds going into labour. . Uh oh . .
This is really going to be something. .
Please update soon and why didnt i get a pm??
dude this si so wierd
ahh how many women would love the rambaldi fluid if it meant that they could go into labor early lol

so good
could i please be put on the pm list?
Part 8

Sydney groaned as pain shot through her already exhausted body. She gripped the hand Katya offered and squeezed it tightly. She tried to keep her breathing regular, but still let out a long sigh as the contraction subsided.

“Can you walk?” Katya asked gently. Sydney gritted her teeth together and grunted as Katya helped her up. Katya put her arm around Sydney's waist and they started to walk, not getting far before Sydney clutched her stomach tightly, and slid down to the floor, biting back a scream, biting her lip so hard that blood gushed into her mouth and down and over her chin. Katya whipped it away, acting as though she was a caring mother, Sydney let out a smile at Katya's motherly gesture.

Katya instantly curled herself around Sydney as gunfire broke out, helping them into a small closet that was right next to them.. She started to return the fire, but ran out of bullets and kept herself curled around Sydney. A new round of shots rang out and they sounded nearby, Sydney was stricken by a particularly painful contraction. They closed their eyes together and clutched each other, imagining the end was near. The door creaked open and they were in for the surprise of their life.


A little while before.

Vaughn's cell phone went off, making everybody jump. It rang out an unfamiliar number, but Vaughn still picked it up, and answered it.

“Sydney?” He asked excited.

“No, Irina.” The voice was a little hesitant. “Don't hang up! Please!” Vaughn looked taken aback, Irina Derevko begging was an unfamiliar sight.

“Fine, what do YOU want, you b******?” Vaughn snarled, he pressed the speaker phone button and the whole room was so tense, you could almost see the tension.

“Please, Michael, please! Sydney. It wasn't supposed to go this way!” Irina sounded as though she was crying. “We are on 346 Cheri Rd., about 6 miles from the hotel you are at now! Please, my daughter's life is at stake!” Irina was crying when she said the last sentence and choked out the word daughter and stake.

“How do I know this isn't a trap?” Vaughn cockily asked.

“Please!” Nadia said it, “Anything could be concrete.” She shared a look with Vaughn, who shrank under the look so much like the one Sydney gave him when she wanted something.

“Fine. But. Irina, you better be there.” Vaughn grunted out.

“I will, please hurry!” Irina hung up the phone before Vaughn could say anything else.

“Let's go.” They all started to get ready, pulling on bullet proof vests and loading guns and grenades and anything they had with them.


Sydney gasped and whimpered, trying to curl up even more. Irina Derevko walked into the room, cautiously.

“Please, Sydney, I just called Vaughn, please, trust me?” She said it cautiously, as though she was expecting an outburst.

Sydney started to cry and reached out for her mother, like a small child reaches out for her mother after a nightmare, except this wasn't a nightmare...


Please read and review!
this is really good! (y)
how can u just leave us sitting on the end of our chairs???
don't worry SYD ur man is comming to save u and ur baby!!! :super:
hey can i get a pm when u update??? soon i hope!!!
For once Irina did the right thing- calling Vaughn. Now let's hope he gets there in time.

Thanks for the PM.
