Irina's Russian Federation #5

*Cate looks around the room and finds the painting. She walks over and pulls out a spray bottle, latex gloves, and a black light*

Cate: Please let this work.

*She sprays the painting, and then shines the blacklight on it. the <0> appears on it.*

Cate: Oh, fabulous.

*She takes the painting carefully out of the frame and puts it in a plastic sleeve. She's about to give the signal for Kris when a door opens, and footsteps come into the room...*
*She takes the painting carefully out of the frame and puts it in a plastic sleeve. She's about to give the signal for Kris when a door opens, and footsteps come into the room...*

A figure clad all in black and wearing a mask approaches Cate, as the figure does Cate slings the sleeve over her shoulder and draws her gun.

Cate: Don't move.

Figure: (in a synthesized voice) Or what? you'll shoot me. Catalin, the last thing you want to do is pull that trigger.

Cate: Like hell it is and at the moment I'm the one with the gun pointed at you. So shut the hell up and get on the ground.

Figure: See this is what I love about young agents, never bringing back-up and always assuming they have the upper hand.

*From behing Cate there is a quick hiss and then she feels a sharp pain around her kidney. Cate reaches back and feels the hot, sticky, wetness of blood. She's tries to squeeze off a shot but sinks into unconsciousness.*

Figure 1: Nice shot, get the painting and lets go.

Figure 2 grabs the painting as the first figure stands over Cate.

Figure 1: (to cate) I'd love to help you, but you know the old saying, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You tried to take my life, Now it's my turn.

Figure 2: Kody let's go, we got what we came for, the team will be in here in a matter of seconds to help her.
*Crys opens the door to her apartment and walks in*

Irina: Took you long enough.

Crys: *startled* Geezus, Irina. Why do you always have to that.

Irina: You usually don't come home much.

Crys: I'm tired and the agents can handle themselves for some time.

Irina: I've left you a belated birthday present in your room.

Crys: And I'm sure that's gonna be interesting. Wanna grab some dinner?

Irina: No. I've got some business with Jack to take care of. You'll like your present *smirks* I'll stop by HQ tomorrow.

Crys: *sarcastic* Sure you will. *watches Irina leave*

*Crys goes into her bedroom and sees a large box wrapped in crimson-red paper. Tearing off the wrapper and pulling the top off the box, she smiles at her discovery*

Crys: They are going to get a kick out of this. *pulls out her cellphone and dials Kris*

Kris: What's up?

Crys: How fast can you make it over here?

Kris: Well we're in the middle of breaking into the museum.

Crys: Well send whoever is available, cuz trust me this is important.

Kris: I'm sensing its something cryptic....I'll see who I can send.
*Ethan walks down the hallway to Crys' apartment, talking on his cell phone*

Ethan: Well, you know what to do. Doctor's notes are forged, and my teachers trust me anyway....most of them. Right, yeah you have my number. I gotta go.

*He hangs up and knocks on the door. No one answers. He tries again, still no answer. Finally, he tries the door to realize that it's unlocked. Drawing his Baretta, he stealthily enters the apartment, locking the door behind him. He searches the entire apartment, not finding Crystal. Ending up at her bedroom, he throws the door open.*

Ethan: Crystal?

*But she's not there. The only sign is some crumpled up crimson wrapper and string. He dials his cell phone.*

Ethan: Sydney? It's me. I know, I know you said only to call this number during an emergency, but...we have a problem. Crys is gone.
Ooo, Kody. You got me back ^_^

*Cate wakes up about a minute later. She tries to get up, but the pain is too intense*

Cate: (on comms) Kris?

Kris: Hey, listen, we have a problem. Somebody has hacked through the security and removed the modem. They're going to turn security back on. They're blocking me too, so there's nothing I can do. You have to get out of there now!

Cate: I can't. Someone shot me. And they...they have the painting.

Kris: Cate, you have to move. At least find somewhere to hide before the cameras come back on, if you can't get out of the room at all.

Cate: Kris, I don't even know if I can move that much.

Kris: Cate, this is not the time to second guess your abilities. I'm telling you to move, or you'll die.

Cate: Okay.

*Cate rolls over and gets up on her hands and knees. She looks around the room, and finds an empty wooden shipping box. She crawls as quickly as possible to it and climbs inside. As soon as she makes it in and pulls the top over, she passes out, and security comes back on*
Kris makes a quick phone call.

Male voice: Yes?

Kris: I have an agent in sub-basement 31147. I am locked out of security systems access. Is an extraction possible?

A long pause.

Male voice: Give me 5 minutes. Anything else?

Kris: There was an assailant.

Male voice: Understood.

The line disconnects.

Kris's secure cell rings.

Kris: Patience, I'm still looking for an available agent!

Crys: Nevermind that. Trace this call. Get yourself to this location within the next 10 minutes. If you don't show up, I'll move and contact you again. I had to ditch my apartment fast. There is something else going on here that I don't like.

Kris: Um...but the museum break in...we've had complications..

Crys: Did you need to contact Bernard?

Kris: Yes. I did that first thing.

Crys: Then he will take over sufficiently. 10 minutes.

Crys hangs up.
Kody and Jess enter a safe house with Irina's painting.

Jess: SO why exactly did we just steal a painting that we could have examined back at IRF?

Kody: Because, in IRF possession it's true secrets will never be revealed, only Irina knows the real meaning of this painting and she would never reveal it to any of us.

Jess: *dialing mobile* Hello, we have the painting, you said you know how to decrypt it?

Peyton: Yes I do, I advise you to move to a different safe house right away, agents have been alerted to your location.

Jess: Fine, we'll meet you in an hour at the safe house in the industrial center.

*One hour later Kody and Jess show up at the safe house to find Peyton and Irina already waiting.
jess looks at kody.

Irina: hello jess, nice to see you again.
Jess: sure... peyton i need to speak with you *she looks at kody and irina* ...alone.

*jess and peyton walk away into the next room.*

Jess: so have you got it?
Pey: no.
Jess: NO? *whispers* no?!
Pey: It's gunna take more time.
Jess: oh yeh and in the mean time my ass in on the line, feel free to join in pey!
Pey: oh stop being over dramatic.
Jess: im not being overdramatic if they find out that weve-

*kody walks in*

Kody: find out what?
Pey: that weve...
Jess: that wev'e, just hit another dead end with one of our contacts-
Pey: that irina wouldnt like it so were tryin g to keep it ont the low down *pey looks at jess*
Jess: right *swishes her hand and whispers* l-o-w-d-o-w-n. ;)

*kody exits*

Pey: dumb ass.
Jess: hey what else could i have said!?
Pey: oh nothing, you being a dumb ass is just generalisation.
Jess: oh yeh great nice work.
*Kody watches Irina closely examine the painting*

*Peyton and Jess re-enter the room*

Petyon: What's wrong?

Irina: This isn't the painting.

Kody: What?

Jess: Oh that's just freakin' wonderful.

Irina: Its a counterfiet and an excellent one for that manner.

*Meanwhile back at Crys' apartment*

Ethan: *phone rings* Hello?

Crys: Its me.

Ethan: Where the hell are you?

Crys: I can't tell you, this isn't a secure line. But you know how to find me.

Ethan: Okay. You sound paranoid, what's wrong?

Crys: Trust when I say, its not safe for me anymore and I have Irina to thank for that.
*Cate wakes up in a bed a few hours later. There's a man beside her, who turns out to be Bernard.*

Bernard: Good, you're alive.

Cate: Yeah, I suppose that is good. Wait. Who are you?

Bernard: The man Kris sent to save your life.

Cate: Okay. Umm, can I call Kris or somebody?

Bernard: That's not a good idea right now.

Cate: Why not?

Bernard: Kris didn't tell me. But she did tell me to keep you here and keep you safe until you're better.

Cate: I'm better.

Bernard: You just had surgery. Lie down. I'll send in some food and drink in a little while. And don't try to leave. We have a guard outside for your protection, and it's better for you to stay put.

*Bernard leaves and locks the door behind him*

Bernard: *hands guard a taser* Make sure she doesn't try to leave. I have a feeling we'll have a problem with this one. IRF agents have never been good about staying put or following the rules.

*peyton's phone rings. She answers*

Peyton: What?

Bernard: We have Cate. She won't be giving you anymore problems at the moment.

Peyton: The painting was a counterfeit. I don't know if Cate had anything to do with this or not, but do me a favor and find out for me.

Bernard: Will do.
So...I forgot where our HQ is actually located at the moment...we've had this one for awhile haven't we? lol. Oh well.


Kris is at Crys's location in only 7 minutes. She says the right words to the manager of an internet cafe and is in the backroom in seconds. Crys is pacing, deep in thought, among the lounging furniture. Kris spots an object on one of the sofas. She raises her eyebrows and gives a small laugh.

Kris: That's what you called me over here for?

Crys: *glances at Irina's present* Partly. *she grins*

Kris: Okay, are we waiting on anything else? *she sits down in a cushy chair*

Crys: Ethan should be here soon, then we'll have to move fast.
*Ethan stumbles up to the internet cafe, and makes his way to the backroom. His clothes are worn and torn and covered in dirt*

Crys *smirks*: Hard day?

Ethan *drops heavy backpack*: What the hell is that for? *points to 'present?'*

*Crys gets up and locks the door, then turns back to Kris and Ethan*

Crys: Let me explain.....
Crys: Let me explain...okay well I don't really even know, but Irina says this is the key to the real painting.

Ethan: *points* It's a teddy bear!

Kris: Don't you think you look just a lil' odd running around with a teddy bear?

Crys: Okay people...I don't have the equipment to check for tracking devices or anything else for that matter. She said the key to finding the painting is in this thing.

Ethan: I swear, either that woman is losing her mind or she just likes to play you like a puppet on a string.

Kris: *laughs*

Crys: I order you to go back to HQ and get some rest. I can't stand my agents in a back mood. *looks at Kris* So?

Kris: *starts to unpack her equipment* Let's get started...
@renate: min LJ adress är pii_latte, men jag skriver för tillfället på finska där för att hålla igång språket (jag pratar mest svenska till vardags så jag har hittills använt finska på LJ eftersom största delen av mina vänner där är finskspråkiga.). men jag funderar på att byta till engelska där så att alla kan förstå. :smiley:

oh god. today was the hottest sauna ever. and i've been finnish for 17 years. so that's something. i'm extremely tired and feel like a bag of jam so i'm gonna go sleep. will catch up on mission as soon as have time! :D
*Cate is out of bed and pacing around the room when she notices her cell phone on the table. She picks it up and dials a number.*

Ethan: Hey Cate.

Cate: Hey. Where are you?

Ethan: On my way back to HQ. Crys ordered me back...where are you?

Cate: I think I'm in Paris.

Ethan: You think?

Cate: Yeah. I had to get extracted from the musuem. I was shot, and my assailants took a painting. I woke up in a room, with who I assume is the contact of Kris' who got me out.

Ethan: Well, okay. That's good I guess. I hope you feel better.

Cate: Wait Ethan...listen, they won't let me leave. They won't let me leave the room, they took everything but my cell phone and my pager, and there's a guard outside my room. I'm getting a little...well, scared, that something else is up.

Ethan: Call Kris.

Cate: That's just it. According to Bernard, Kris is the one who told him to keep me in the room.

Ethan: Then you'll be fine.

Cate: Ethan. Seriously. I'm getting a bad feeling.

Ethan: *sigh* Do you want me to come to Paris?

Cate: No. I want you to ask Kris exactly what she told Bernard.

Ethan: Okay. I'll try. But Kris and Crys are both working on something.

Cate: Well, try. Please.
*Liz walks up to Bernard*

Liz: Hey, where is she?
Bernard: In the back.
Liz: Okiedokie. If i'm not out in fifteen minutes, send backup.

*Liz walks in. The bolt slides in the door behind her*

Cate: Liz!
Liz: Hey, gorgeous.
Cate: You know that guy?
Liz: Bernard? Oh yeah he's cool. He's been with IRF for ... what, twenty years now?
Cate: Right ... so what's going on?
*Back at wherever Mac and Renate are, Mac comes out of the musuem just as police officers begin pulling up. She makes it to the van where she joins Renate. She pulls the painting out of the sleeve, and it's the exact one that Cate attempted to steal from the Louvre. Mac calls Crys.*

Mac: Crys? I have the painting. Where do you want me to bring it?

Crys: There's this Internet Cafe. Kris will send the location to your PDA. Bring it here.